Thursday, January 7, 2016


California State Assemblywomen Democrat Cristina Garcia and Republican Ling Ling Chang are pushing a bill to exempt tampons from taxation. 


I can think of a whole list of things I’d like to say about tampons and politicians in general, but I’d probably be thrown in jail. 

Q. North Korea says it tested a hydrogen bomb and the White House says they didn’t.  Who’s lying? (Jerry ~ Arlington, TX)
A. You can’t believe a word the White House says.  They lie, they spin, and they cover up.  That being said, there has been no independent confirmation that North Korea tested a hydrogen bomb.  They make a whole lot of noise and the explosion is huge and any nation with a satellite could verify North Korea’s claim instantly, but they have not.  I therefore conclude that North Korea is lying and that the White House has finally told the truth about something.  Praise the Lord. 

Q. Iran has revealed at least one underground ballistic missile site.  There are U.N. sanctions against this type of activity.  Just what is Obama going to do about it?  (Nancy ~ Davenport, WA)
A. Enact more gun control regulations. 

Q. I think I heard someone say on the news that North Korea has missiles that could reach the West Coast of the United States and that they are building an extensive arsenal of nuclear weapons.  How come we’re not doing anything about that?  (Dan ~ Arroyo Grande, CA)
A. The White House says that North Korea has not yet developed the technology to shrink the size of a nuke so that it can become a payload on one of their missiles.  But you have to remember, this is the same White House that referred to I.S.I.S. as a “J.V. Team.” 


“When George W. Bush came into office, North Korea had maybe one nuclear weapon and verifiably wasn’t producing any more.” ~ Noam Chomsky


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