Friday, January 29, 2016


Iran warned the USS Monterey and an accompanying jet to get out of the Strait of Hormuz.  The Iranians said they were conducting military exercises and the U.S. had to immediately leave the area.  The incident comes two weeks after the Iranian military seized two Navy vessels in the Persian Gulf. The Monterey and the jet immediately high-tailed it and left the vicinity. 

People used to look at our flag and say, “These colors never run.”  Now, they look at our flag and say, “These colors run like hell.” 
Q. I thought Trump might cave in at the last moment and appear on the FOX NEWS debates.  Why didn’t he?  (Charles ~ Davenport, IA)
A. For one thing, FOX was evidently pulling some totally underhanded stunts regarding the debates.  For another, Trump decided it was time to let FOX know that he won’t be pushed around anymore, and that he won’t allow other countries to push America around, either.  Unlike Obama, I don’t think Trump likes pushers. 

Q. Why has Hillary suddenly switched her allegiance to Obama?  I thought she was going to “be her own woman?”  (Cassandra ~ Carson City, NV)
A. Obama holds a huge hammer over her; with recommendations from the F.B.I. for indictments being just around the corner, Obama and Attorney General Lynch have the ability to delay any indictments, or maybe even to ignore the F.B.I. recommendations altogether.  Hillary needs to kiss up to Obama big time. 

Q. Did Hillary’s cohorts really “cut and paste” emails being sent to and from Hillary so as to avoid having classified headings on them?  (Chute ~ Boise, ID)
I think she learned the trick from cutting out paper dolls when she was a little girl. 

“When somebody challenges you, fight back.  Be brutal, be tough.” ~ Donald Trump


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