Friday, January 8, 2016


The I.R.S. has been planning to implement a plan whereby non-profit organizations would be required, as a condition of their tax-exempt status, to turn over the names and Social Security numbers of donors.  A wave of complaints has forced them to withdraw the plan. 

Besides the prospect of declining donations, charities were faced with increased costs of maintaining security procedures and systems to protect the data they would be forced to collect.  The I.R.S., frustrated at its inability to squeeze more juice out of the lemon, will probably now look for a way to tax anal acoustics. 
Q. Yesterday on MY AMERICAN OPINION, you opined that Ted Cruz cannot be president because he was born in Canada.  His legal team is arguing that his mother was a U.S. Citizen and that automatically makes him a citizen; they say that settles the argument.  So, why shouldn’t he proceed to seek the nomination?  (Callie ~ Silver Springs, NV)
A. The fundamental question is this: do you have to be born within the borders of the United States or its territories in order to be considered “natural born?”  If he were to be elected president, you and I both know that his enemies in the GOP and the Democrats would file all kinds of legal challenges that would drag on for months, if not years.  Such a scenario, regardless of the eventual outcome, would hamper his ability to be an effective president and, given the circumstances which this country now finds itself in, that’s the last thing we need.  I’m very reluctantly crossing Cruz off my short list, leaving Trump, Rubio and Carson, unless, of course, Jay Leno jumps in. 

Q. A lot of people are now saying Hillary is in no physical condition to be president, due to lingering effects from her 2012 concussion.  Can that prevent her from running?  (Tessie ~ Napa, CA)
A. I did hear that physical problems led to her long bathroom break during the presidential debates.  But, I think we need to be far more worried about her mental stability.  What in the Sam Hell is she going to decide to do if we have another Benghazi Massacre and she’s president?   Will she answer THAT 3:00 AM telephone call, or will she again ask Susan Rice to handle it? 

Q. How do you feel about a move in Congress to make a concealed carry permit from one state valid in all states?  (Paul ~ Ukiah, CA)
A. I think it’s an excellent idea if you can also clarify what laws would apply to the permit holder depending on the state issuing the permit and the state where he’s actually located.  Right now, the laws of the various states are so confusing that one almost has to have an attorney sitting in the car beside him when he travels from state to state, and you know how obnoxious attorneys can be on long car trips. 

“A lawyer with his suitcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns.” ~ Mario Puzo


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