Thursday, August 20, 2015


The three offenders released into Arizona include: Dennis Valerievitch Tsoukano, an illegal immigrant from Russia who killed a police informant by burning him alive; Musa Salah Abdelaziz Abdalla, an illegal immigrant from Sudan with multiple assault arrests; and Nasser Hanna Hermez, a legal permanent resident from Iraq who killed his 7 week old daughter, according to BREITBART.COM
This is going on every day in every major city in the country.  How well do you know your neighbor? 

Q. I hear there are signs all over saying “Hillary for Prison.”  Is that a realistic possibility?  (Andre ~ Hoboken, NJ)
A. No way.  She’ll move to a sanctuary city first.  Look, I know that there are a lot of people out there salivating at the prospect, but it just ain’t gonna happen.  Now then, you might just see a deal where she agrees to drop out of the presidential race and testifies before Congress in exchange for complete immunity

Q. Protestors in Idaho are out after the V.A. because the agency wants to confiscate a veteran’s guns.  Can they do that?  (Harold ~ Pasco, WA)
A. In Obama’s government, it can do anything it wants.  The rule is that a vet determined to be mentally incompetent can be denied the right to have guns.  He has no hearing, no method of appeal and the decision of some obscure bureaucrat trumps his constitutional rights.  But this vet has his guns for now; the protestors have circled his house and they’re not about to let anyone in. 

Q. What do you think about birthright citizenship and what Trump is saying about sending such children back to Mexico?  (Zula ~ Dallas, TX)
A. I think there are countless situations where a foreigner gets pregnant and decides it would be a good idea to have her child born in the U.S. for the sole purpose of getting citizenship benefits.  That amounts to a fraud, as far as I am concerned, and I think it is arguable that such birthright citizenship should be denied.  Furthermore, I think the whole law should be trashed.  If your next door neighbor gave birth on your doorstep, would you feel obligated to take care of that child for the rest of your life?    

“Gross ignorance is 144 times worse than ordinary ignorance.” ~ Bennett Cerf


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