Saturday, August 8, 2015


Within hours after the attack at a suburban Nashville movie theater it was known that the attacker, Vincente David Montano, was armed with a hatchet, a fake bomb, pepper spray and an Airsoft pellet gun.  Nevertheless, CNN went on the air demanding more gun control.  They stressed that the fact that although the gun was a toy does not prevent the attack from having the desired effect on the American psyche and that it is time for the “gun lobby” to loosen its hold on businesses so more gun laws can be enacted.  They said, “Who among us will not carry in the back of our minds — as we settle into our seats in a darkened roomful of strangers — that anything is possible in a society so saturated with guns.” They added that the attack with the toy gun was effectual because it was not an “aberration” from the “ongoing reality” of gun violence in America.  

They also neglected to mention that the theater chain had been boycotted in the past because of its gun-free policies.  This is a classic example of how the left-wing-controlled media slants the news, or distorts it completely without the slightest semblance of journalistic honesty. The plain truth is that NO gun control law could have prevented this scenario, but getting at the root cause of violence in our society in general could have the desired effect. 

Q. Do you agree that Americans are sick and tired of business-as-usual in Washington and that is why Trump is so popular… the people want someone who will tell the current politicians off?  (Randolph ~ Scranton, PA)
A. Yes.  But, Americans really need to focus their angst at the top of the political food chain… the "Great Offender" Barack Obama.  That’s where all of the political, ethical and governmental problems in this country, and in both parties, start.  Obama is a disgrace to the country and needs to be called to task for his gross misdeeds.  We ALL need to get in his face.  I mean, we get more upset with robocalls and telemarketers than we do with Obama, and they haven’t shoved laws down our throat we are against, crapped on Christians and the military, or signed a phony deal with Iran. 

Q. Chuck Schumer and other top Dems have come out in opposition to Obama’s Iranian nuclear “deal.”  Do you think that will have an adverse impact on its Congressional passage in September?  (Prissy ~ Morgan City, LA)
A. You can take your clue from this fact: Obama was scheduled to start a 17-day vacation in Massachusetts today.  Instead, he packed up early and left yesterday, after Schumer's announcement and reportedly in a big huff.  The IRS will probably start auditing Schumer Monday morning. 

Q. There is an accusation floating around that Trump is a Trojan Horse sent by Bill and Hillary Clinton and that he’s a die-hard Democrat in disguise.  What do you think?  (Trip ~ Leavenworth, KS)
A. I think that’s a rumor planted by either the Democrats or some Republicans in an effort to derail Trump’s campaign.  I also think Trump is well-prepared to defend himself and that the only way to unseat him from his gallant white steed at this point is to come up with better, more proactive ideas instead of playing stupid dirty games.  Please… may we have some substance in this campaign? 

“There was enough hot air in that debate room the other night to fill a thousand balloons for a huge balloon festival… bigger than all of Albuquerque.” ~ The Burney Mountain Hermit


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