Thursday, August 13, 2015


Barack Hussein Obama held very secret negotiations with Iran in 2011, according to recent reports on FOX NEWS.  During those secret talks, Obama agreed… Iran has every right to have its nuclear program.  Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei disputes claims by the Obama administration that it only began talking to Iran after the election of President Hassan Rouhani.  “The Americans told this mediator: ‘We want to solve the nuclear issue and lift sanctions within six months, while recognizing Iran as a nuclear power.’”

Barack Hussein Obama is a liar to the world and a traitor to America, besides being a lousy father for leading his children to think otherwise.  

Q. What does the term “black-balled” mean, and what does it have to do with water?  (Lena ~ Gardnerville, NV)
A. When you join the Masonic Lodge, the members vote on whether or not they will admit you.  To keep anonymity, each member drops either a white ball or a black ball into a ballot box.  When voting is completed, if there is a black ball among the white balls, membership is denied and you have been “black-balled.”  In Los Angeles, water officials are covering a reservoir there with black polyethylene balls to prevent evaporation and to save water.  I question the process; if you’ve studied science at all, you know that lighter colors reflect the sun’s rays and dark colors attract.  So, why wouldn’t white balls work better?  Oh, I forgot…. It’s in Los Angeles…

Q. Do I understand that hundreds of licensed California truck drivers have not passed qualification tests?  (Vernon ~ Paso Robles, CA)  
A. Yes.  They paid as much as $5,000 each to California DMV employees in order to obtain their licenses.  As many as 23 accidents can currently be attributed to those drivers.  One of them mistakenly dumped a load of well-dead tuna fish into my neighbor’s yard…heh, heh, heh.   

Q. For what and how can illegals sue the U.S. Government?  (Daniel ~ Newcastle, CA)
A. It’s akin to a murderer suing his victim because the victim had the gall to die after being murdered.  They are claiming that they should not be held in detention facilities for what they contend is psychological and physical harm as a result of being detained.  Please pass the jalapenos. 

“Have you noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?” ~ George Carlin


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