Tuesday, August 25, 2015


A Federal Judge in California has ruled that some 1,800 illegal immigrants being held in detention pending asylum hearings must be released by October 24th.   Judge Dolly Gee argued that the government’s detention policy violated an 18-year-old court settlement revolving around the detention of migrant children.  The Department of Homeland Security will appeal the ruling. 

How nice. 

Q. I.S.I.S. is destroying so many historical monuments in the Middle East.  Why are we letting them get away with this?  (Viola ~ Walnut Creek, CA)
A. They’re chopping off heads, raping children and killing Christians and you’re upset about monuments?  Is that what it takes to get you interested in what is going on in the world?  Look at it this way: If we’re destroying Confederate flags and Civil War history, why can’t they destroy the really old stuff? 

Q. With North and South Korea having talks, do you think the possibility of a North Korean invasion is being diminished?  (Tad ~ Logandale, NV)
A. Not one bit.  The sawed-off little runt in charge (SOLRIC) of North Korea recognizes that if he is going to go after South Korea, he needs to do it while Obama is still in office.  After Obama leaves, we will probably get back to honoring our obligations and commitments to our allies. 

Q. I understand California’s ObamaCare is about ready to go down the tubes?  (Polly ~ Needles, CA)
A. Covered California has spent well over $1 billion of federal taxpayer money trying to get up and running, but the program has since been under a barrage of attacks for a myriad of failures, including abysmal enrollment performance and sending out over 100,000 inaccurate tax forms.  35 percent of Covered California’s 2014 customers did not re-enroll in 2015, despite state penalties for not carrying health insurance. Although Covered California claimed it would add 500,000 more members, only 7,098 additional members “selected a plan” in 2015.  That's putting the plan into a financial squeeze.  I guess people figure… as long as Obama doesn’t obey the laws, why should they?

“There’s the assumption being made by the Obama administration that the North Korean leadership is not suicidal, that they know they will be obliterated if they attacked the United States.  But I would point out that everything in South Korea and Japan is well within range of what they might want to do.”  ~ Oliver North


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