Friday, August 7, 2015


The shadowy Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani recently visited Moscow to meet with senior Russian leaders, according to two Western intelligence sources, despite a travel ban and U.N. Security Council resolutions barring him from leaving Iran. FOX NEWS reported yesterday that on July 24, one week before Secretary of State John Kerry testified to the Senate Armed Services Committee and faced questions about the newly struck nuclear deal, Soleimani arrived in Moscow for secret meetings with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and President Vladimir Putin.

So much for the authenticity and Iranian sincerity regarding the infamous “deal.”  This is just one more nail in Obama’s and Kerry’s political coffin.  Let’s see… I think that now makes 1,432,798 nails….

Q. How do you think the first GOP debates went?  (Urich ~ San Ramon, CA)
A. When it came to the tough questions, I saw a whole lot of shucking and ducking, bobbing and weaving... and not a whole lot of direct answers.  Now… please pass the bottle of gin and some crumpets.   

Q. The other day, Obama compared the GOP to the Iranian hardliner, anti-American regime.  It was an ugly speech.  Why do you think he said those things?  (Minnie ~ Missoula, MT
A. Because he’s angry, he’s petulant and he is not used to anyone standing in his way.  But, that wasn’t the real news in his speech.  He came out and flatly admitted that the release of some $150 billion in impounded Iranian funds will probably go to fund terrorism.  Well, if you’re an American and you know that, why would you be party to a deal that would release those funds? 

Q. I understand there was another crime by an illegal alien convict that hasn’t made the news cycle?  (Joni ~ Litchfield, AZ)
A. Victor Aureliano Martinez Ramirez, an illegal alien who had previously been convicted four times, broke into a home in Santa Maria, California and beat a woman with a hammer, raped her and left her for dead; she died several days later in the hospital. 

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” ~ Socrates


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