Monday, August 24, 2015


A growing number of people and states are claiming that there is no place in our society for the death penalty.  19 states have repealed the death penalty, while more and more states are allowing those sentenced to life terms to get out “on good behavior.” 

Murderers should not die; there should be no philosophy of “an eye for an eye.”  Illegal felons should be allowed on the streets and all cops should be killed.  It’s perfectly fine for unborn babies to be torn apart while their hearts still beat.  Iran is entitled to have their nukes and everyone should be making $15 an hour whether they are working or not.  There’s nothing wrong with being $19 trillion in debt and we need to start getting rid of gender-labeled restrooms.  The world is our oyster and we are entitled to have it our way. 

Q. How much trouble is Hillary really in?  (Lenora ~ San Jose, CA)
A. She had planned to take the last two weeks of August off for a rest, but decided Friday to spend this coming week in the Midwest to try and change the focus away from her email scandal.  Maybe she’ll blame it on Trump. 

Q. Did I hear they are banning Civil War reenactments because they are offensive?  (Louise ~ Genoa, NV)
A. Boone Hall Plantation has decided to cancel this year’s Living History Weekend out of sensitivity to the shooting massacre of nine worshipers at Emanuel AME Church in downtown Charleston.  So, the way these jokers think is that it is okay to dismember unborn babies and sell body parts, but the Confederate Flag must go; it is okay for illegal aliens to kill unsuspecting and innocent women on a San Francisco wharf, but the death penalty has to go.  We have a country full of warped thinkers who consider themselves to be angels of God when, in fact, they are Satanic messengers from the devil.   

Q. Facebook used to be a fun way of communicating with a whole bunch of people all at once.  But now, it seems that every other message is an ad.  It’s beyond annoying.  (Grace ~ Del Rio, TX)
A. The only answer is to quit using it.  Then they won’t be able to sell any ads at all. 

“Murder is always a mistake.  One should never do anything that one cannot talk about after dinner.” ~ Oscar Wilde


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