Monday, March 2, 2015


The plan to force Obama to backtrack on his amnesty plan by tying its funding to the DHS funding is now in total disarray; Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has surrendered and House Speaker John Boehner is faltering. 

I’m disgusted with what we have allowed our government to become.  Even with an overwhelming mandate from the 2014 elections, the Republicans refuse to take the torch of freedom and liberty, and to stand up for what is right in America. 

Q. Now they are saying that terrorists are sneaking across our border?  (Cat ~ Davis, CA)
A. If you had been following my blogs, you would have discovered that I revealed this problem several times starting several years ago.  It amazes me how the issue comes up now and everyone is acting as if it was new news.  We literally cannot believe that Obama or any of his cronies are protecting us; in fact, I have to wonder whether or not this total lack of security is intentional.  

Q. Do you think Putin killed the chief opposition spokesman in Russia?  (Curly ~ Weed, CA)
A. No.  Did he have someone else do it?  Yes.  But, I really think the time has come for us to quit paying so much attention to what is going on with Putin and Russia, and and to start paying attention to what is going on with Obama and America. 

Q. What with so many Americans being out of work, I now understand Obama is going to issue work permits to spouses of HB-1 Visa holders entering the U.S.  What in the world is he trying to do?  (Clarice ~ Pullman, WA)
A. He’s trying to change the demographics of the American voter.  He wants the American patriots, the Conservative voters, to be so vastly outnumbered that they will never have a voice in our government again. 

“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.” ~ Edward Abbey


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