Thursday, March 19, 2015


Hot on the heels of the news that the Environmental Protection Agency is going to control your backyard barbeque, news comes that they are concerned about the amount of time Americans spend in the shower, and how much energy they waste on hot water in the process.  They have commissioned a study to determine the feasibility of installing automatic systems in hotel/motel  showers that will automatically shut the shower head off after seven or eight minutes us use.  “This device will be designed to fit most new and existing hotel shower fixtures and will wirelessly transmit hotel guest water usage data to a central hotel accounting system.” 

Next, of course, will be the requirement for installation of such devices in all newly-constructed homes and apartment buildings, followed by mandatory retrofitting to all existing residences.  Any attempt to circumvent the law will also undoubtedly result in the deployment of armed task forces and the imprisonment of violators, probably at Guantanamo.  The next thing we know, they are going to start regulating how many times you can use a condom.  When are Americans going to do something about Obama’s Gestapo tactics?    

Q. Do you think guns should be allowed on college campuses?  (Marguerite ~ Perris, CA)
A. If the carrier has passed a gun safety course and has demonstrated he knows how to shoot, I don’t have a problem with it, subject to the condition that is universally applied elsewhere: you can’t carry when you’re drinking or in a bar.  That last provision will eliminate 95% of students carrying guns anyway. 

Q. It seems that Israel’s Netanyahu has kept his job.  How do you feel about that?  (Tyler ~ Burney, CA)
A. Everyone is happy to hear the great news except, of course, Hussein in the White House.  But, give his highness time; he’ll get even. 

Q. Why are we not hearing much about the situation in Ukraine right now?  (Blanche ~ Oklahoma City, OK)
A. It’s getting really nasty over there and Obama doesn’t want you to know about it.  As long as you do not know about it, it does not exist. Take Benghazi, for instance.  

‘The essence of lying is in deception, not in words.” ~ John Ruskin


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