Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Thomas Lindenfeld has pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit wire fraud.  He initiated a scheme to funnel illegal money into an as yet unnamed political campaign in 2007.    

What is interesting is that he was a “high muckety-muck” in the 2004 senatorial campaign of Barack Obama.  For the full story, read this: http://townhall.com/tipsheet/kysisson/2014/11/17/democratic-strategist-guilty-of-campaign-contribution-fraud-worked-for-obama-n1918790?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm

Q. I heard about this proposal over a year ago and thought the plans were scrapped; they’re going to tax Christmas trees?  (Mimi ~ Orlando, FL)
A. That’s incorrect, according to Washington, D.C.  They say the 15 cents per tree is a fee, not a tax.  They really have a way with words, don’t they?  Further on the subject of taxes, the Obama Administration is quietly and surreptitiously going about starting a tax on the Internet.  They say they are not going to tax the user, just the providers.  Now, who do you think is going to end up paying that tax?  Considering the quality of government we are getting out of this administration, there should be no taxes. 

Q. I see Dr. Ben Carson has weighed in on the Obama immigration plans.  Does his idea stand a chance?  (Goldie ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. His idea is to defund the Administration portion of the Executive budget, causing direct pain to the White House.  I think that may have Constitutional repercussions, as opposed to defunding a particular program such as the funding for providing illegals with Social Security cards.  But, if they think it’ll fly, I’m all for it. 

Q. I understand Putin walked out early from the G-20 summit in Australia.  What happened?  (Lyle ~ Liberal, KS)
A. It’s not enough that Putin sent a fleet of Russian Naval vessels into Australian waters just prior to the Summit; as you have undoubtedly heard, Putin has also been moving Russian troops into the Ukraine and all-out war seems inevitable.  The Australian government then failed to send a top-level dignitary to meet Putin at the airport, and Putin’s group was put up at a “second-rate” hotel.  Attendees at the G-20 Summit gave him so much heat that he decided to get out of town.  Maybe the bedbugs do bite south of the Equator? 

“I’m so fast that last night I turned the light switch off in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark.” ~ Muhammad Ali


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