Monday, November 24, 2014


Federal investigators from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, (which audits the IRS), have uncovered encrypted copies of some 30,000 emails from a backup system, including those of Lois Lerner’s.  While it may take some time to decrypt them, toss out duplicates and edit them to take out names of taxpayers, the emails should shed significant light on the question of what Lerner was emailing and to whom. 

I am going to guess that Lois Lerner’s, Valerie Jarret’s and Barack Obama’s blood pressures have shot way up.  Maybe that’s why he pulled his unconstitutional immigration stunt, because he has nothing to lose?  Could an impeachment be in the offing?   

Q. What do you think Obama is willing to give Iran to get a deal on their nuclear energy program?  (Lenny ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. Everything, including the kitchen sink.  Here’s the fact: If Iran was only interested in building a nuclear reactor for the purpose of providing nuclear energy to its country, we could provide them with it and operate it for them.  They fact that they insist on building it and operating it themselves “for peaceful purposes” speaks for itself.  So… they want nukes.  Obama wants to rule America as “Despot-in-Charge” and he desperately needs the popularity of the country to make that happen.  In his twisted mind, he thinks striking a deal with Iran will accomplish that.  He’s psychotic; he has no grasp of reality and he is therefore very dangerous to us and our national security.   Besides, he likes Al Sharpton. 

Q. What do you think about the plans for the Republicans to sue Obama?  (Li ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. The thing about it is Obama continues to violate the law, finger Congress and ignore the Constitution.  The country just gave the Republicans a mandate to fix it…. And they’re fumbling the ball again, looking at each other and shrugging their shoulders while screaming like sick pigs.   They won’t impeach him and a budget cut isn’t going to hurt him one damned bit because he has discretionary spending.  Oh… they’re going to sue him?  That won’t get to the Supreme Court until long after Obama is out of office.  I’m so outraged I can’t stand it.  Now, I need a good stiff drink… maybe a straight shot or two.  Anyone got any ethanol? 

Q. I have a friend who came here from Taiwan on a special program where you can invest $500,000 and get a visa for you and your family and a chance at citizenship.  He’s madder than hell about this Obama amnesty thing.  What can I tell him?  
A. “T.S.” and that doesn’t mean “tomorrow’s Saturday.” 

“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.  I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

With this President, what do you expect?

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