Monday, November 10, 2014


Although the Constitution of the United States sets forth that the powers to enact laws specifically rests with the Congress and ONLY Congress, President Obama went on the muscle yesterday stating that he will not wait for the new Republican-controlled Congress to enact new immigration laws and that he will use his Executive Powers to change existing laws. 

Period.  “I will do what I need to do.”  In other words, "I don’t give a damn about this last election, I don’t care what the Constitution says I can or cannot do, I don’t care what Americans want or expect; I’m going to have my way and there’s not a damned thing you can do to stop me.  Try and pass legislation to override what I am doing and I will veto it and there’s nothing you can do about it.  So… up yours."  So, this is a test.  Now the questions is, Mr. and Mrs. America: If he goes ahead and does this are you going to sit on your duff or are you going to rise up and do something about it? 

Q. What do you think of Obama’s selection of Loretta Lynch to be the new Attorney General?  (Ellen ~ Casper, WY)
A. At first I thought he said Loretta Lynn and I got all excited.  Actually, she has the credentials; the only thing yet to be determined is whether or not she will bow to Obama’s political demands. 

Q. What do you think Eric Holder will do after he leaves DOJ?  (Walker ~ McCloud, CA)
A. I think there’s a strong possibility he will become Obama’s personal attorney for the remainder of Obama’s term.  He’ll also have his hands full defending himself over his actions in the Fast & Furious scandal and in the Benghazi investigation.  He certainly won’t be lacking for things to do. 

Q. Will the Supreme Court nullify ObamaCare this time around?  (Libby ~ Susanville, CA)
A. Absolutely not.  That’s not what this hearing is going to be about.  Besides, I can’t recall any time in history where the Supreme Court has reversed itself.  This hearing will be narrowly confined to the question of whether or not states can provide subsidies to enrollees in ObamaCare to make the coverage more affordable.  If they rule against it, those enrollees won’t be able to afford the coverage and will drop out, thereby rendering the whole program unaffordable unless the government raises our taxes.  Doesn’t that prospect give you a warm and fuzzy feeling? 

“I don’t remember saying ObamaCare would lower everybody’s premiums.” ~ Nancy Pelosi


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