Thursday, November 20, 2014


Workers are quitting their jobs at the fastest pace since 2008.  People typically quit their jobs when they're more confident in finding a new job or already have an offer in hand. The new role usually comes with a higher wage and better prospects. That all adds up to more confidence in the job market. 

Hopefully, that trend will open up some jobs in the labor market because, regardless of what the Obamacrats say, real unemployment is this country probably tops 15%.  No wonder everyone is so damned depressed.  But, the real reason for loosening up some jobs has nothing to do with Obama; it’s been so long since any hiring occurred in this country that a lot of job holders have died off.    

Q. What do you think of the recent charges of sexual misconduct against Bill Cosby?  (Patty ~ Folsom, CA)
A. I do not understand why these women waited so long to tell their stories.  For example, Janet Dickinson says she was assaulted by him in 1982… 32 years ago… in Lake Tahoe.  As far as I am concerned, it either never happened or she was complicit.  I’m sorry, but sexual assault or any other crime is reprehensible conduct and needs to be addressed by law enforcement pronto.  What’s the motive to come forward 32 years after any witnesses could testify or facts obtained?  That doesn’t excuse it, if indeed it happened, but I’m sure as hell not going to jump on the bandwagon to lynch Cosby at this stage of the game.  Personally, the whole thing smells like a publicity stunt or an extortion attempt. 

Q. It looks as if Obama is going ahead with his Executive Order for amnesty for about 5 million illegals.  Do you have any comments?  (Jet ~ Larkspur, CA)
A. Let’s wait and see what’s in it before we jump to conclusions.  Everybody is ready to pounce on him and his amnesty and we don’t know what’s in it yet, although we should not be surprised if our worst fears come true.  I can almost assure you that there will be no conciliation whatsoever. 

Q. I am a religious person and I do not believe in homosexuality at all.  I have every Constitutional right to practice my religious beliefs without interference from the government.  Yet, more and more laws are being passed that trample those rights.  How do we put a stop to it?  (Paula ~ Lincoln, NE)
A. The left-wing liberals are challenging the Constitution on all fronts.  Inevitably, it must all end up before the Supreme Court, which has the inclination to interpret the Constitution according to the dictates of modern times as opposed to how things were when it was drafted.  The founding fathers foresaw the need for change and provided an appropriate avenue; it’s called the amendment process.  It is up to us as citizens to elect a president, senator or representative who agrees with our thinking and who will nominate and confirm Justices accordingly.  Enjoy your pie a la mode. 

“We are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” ~ Abraham Lincoln


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