Saturday, November 29, 2014


NEWSMAX is reporting that thousands of confidential tax documents involving U.S. taxpayer files were handed over to the White House.  The Justice Department has asked for a longer window under which to review the newly found documents before releasing them publicly. 


Whenever Holder’s D.O.J. asks for more time to “review” documents, you can bet your sweet bippees that it is going to take an Act of Congress and a Federal Court decision before they will ever see the light of day.  Here’s another bet: you won’t see this story in the mainstream media. 


Q. Why isn’t the media carrying the story about Chuck Schumer coming out against ObamaCare?  (Sy ~ Oswego, OR)
A. Because the journalists in the media are not independent; they are owned lock, stock and barrel by Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett.  In my opinion, the media is solely responsible for the lawlessness of the Obama regime. Forget gun control; we need pen control.   

Q. How realistic is the threat from our enemies to our power grid?  (Ole ~ Wisconsin Rapids, WI)
A. It is extremely realistic.  The N.S.A. is saying highly sophisticated malware has likely already been installed in computer systems of major U.S. utilities and that it is just waiting for the proper command to shut us down.  They have been trying to ferret out the malware for years now, without success.  What will people in this country do without TV and tablets?  Good God, maybe we’ll have to learn how to read books and play card games all over again. 

Q. Yesterday’s news wasn’t good: I.S.I.S. is spreading into Libya and Egypt.  It looks to me as if all of the countries that Obama messed up during the Arab Spring are now falling under I.S.I.S. control.  One source even says I.S.I.S. is now at over 100,000 strong, a huge jump from the administration-reported “around 10,000.”  When are we going to quit pussy-footing around and do something about it?  (Willie ~ Quincy, CA)   
A. Obama doesn’t want to do anything about Iran… Valerie Jarrett was born there.  As for the rest of the Middle East, we can’t do much about it; Obama has decimated the armed forces of the United States.  That, my friend, is a very scary fact; we can't put any bots on the ground because we don't have any boots, period. 


“We are currently borrowing the entire defense budget from foreign investors.  Within a few years, we will be spending more on interest payments than on national security.  That is not, as our military friends say, a robust strategy.” ~ Mitch Daniels 


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