Saturday, November 29, 2014


NEWSMAX is reporting that thousands of confidential tax documents involving U.S. taxpayer files were handed over to the White House.  The Justice Department has asked for a longer window under which to review the newly found documents before releasing them publicly. 


Whenever Holder’s D.O.J. asks for more time to “review” documents, you can bet your sweet bippees that it is going to take an Act of Congress and a Federal Court decision before they will ever see the light of day.  Here’s another bet: you won’t see this story in the mainstream media. 


Q. Why isn’t the media carrying the story about Chuck Schumer coming out against ObamaCare?  (Sy ~ Oswego, OR)
A. Because the journalists in the media are not independent; they are owned lock, stock and barrel by Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett.  In my opinion, the media is solely responsible for the lawlessness of the Obama regime. Forget gun control; we need pen control.   

Q. How realistic is the threat from our enemies to our power grid?  (Ole ~ Wisconsin Rapids, WI)
A. It is extremely realistic.  The N.S.A. is saying highly sophisticated malware has likely already been installed in computer systems of major U.S. utilities and that it is just waiting for the proper command to shut us down.  They have been trying to ferret out the malware for years now, without success.  What will people in this country do without TV and tablets?  Good God, maybe we’ll have to learn how to read books and play card games all over again. 

Q. Yesterday’s news wasn’t good: I.S.I.S. is spreading into Libya and Egypt.  It looks to me as if all of the countries that Obama messed up during the Arab Spring are now falling under I.S.I.S. control.  One source even says I.S.I.S. is now at over 100,000 strong, a huge jump from the administration-reported “around 10,000.”  When are we going to quit pussy-footing around and do something about it?  (Willie ~ Quincy, CA)   
A. Obama doesn’t want to do anything about Iran… Valerie Jarrett was born there.  As for the rest of the Middle East, we can’t do much about it; Obama has decimated the armed forces of the United States.  That, my friend, is a very scary fact; we can't put any bots on the ground because we don't have any boots, period. 


“We are currently borrowing the entire defense budget from foreign investors.  Within a few years, we will be spending more on interest payments than on national security.  That is not, as our military friends say, a robust strategy.” ~ Mitch Daniels 


Friday, November 28, 2014


Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif reportedly screamed so loud in negotiations that bodyguards standing watch outside the room were alerted and rushed inside.  Zarif reportedly shouted at Kerry repeatedly and spoke to him in a way that was likely 'unprecedented' in the history of U.S. diplomacy," according to informed sources. 

Gosh, maybe he tried to dazzle them with stories about his 49 Bronze Stars and 23 Purple Hearts.  My only regret is that they didn’t videotape it and share it with the world.  But, we’ll get everything straightened out on the next go around in seven months, right?    

Q. What in the hell does Obama mean by saying that Americans have absolutely no right to complain about illegal immigration?  (Todd ~ Provo, UT)
A. “There have been periods where the folks who were already here suddenly say, ‘Well, I don’t want those folks,’ even though the only people who have the right to say that are some Native Americans,” Obama said, rhetorically dismissing the right of 300 million actual Americans to decide who can live in their homeland.  The Emperor has spoken, so what are you going to do about it? 

Q. What do you think about the cake shop owner in Ferguson who has received more than $200,000 to help rebuild her shop after the riots?  (Giles ~ Williams, CA)
A. That is such a good story in the aftermath of such ugliness.  It’s hard for me to imagine that there are enough people in the U.S. who are not racists and who would contribute that kind of money to her.  I’ll bet that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson did not contribute s dime between them. 

Q. Chuck Schumer, who was so ardently in favor of ObamaCare, is now saying they never should have passed it.  What do you think Obama is going to say about that?  (Jerry ~ Page, AZ)
A. “T.S.”

“One morning, just like 9/11, there’s going to be a disaster.  I have yet to see the United Nations do anything effective with either Iran or North Korea.” ~ Newt Gingrich


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


John Koskinen has announced that his I.R.S. employees are going to get bonuses again this year. 

I’m speechless; literally speechless. 

Q. You said way back last year when Obama announced that their enrollment target number for ObamaCare had been met that you though it was a lie.  I mean, it was obvious, because the numbers took a big jump at the end.  Now, the White House is admitting that they added the numbers of people who signed up for a dental plan to the total.  At the same time, there were allegations that people who had signed up were not in fact paying their first premiums.  The target was 7 million.  How many do you think actually signed up and paid?  (Timmy ~ Tyler, TX)
A. Somewhere between 4 and 5 million.  That means it is financially collapsing of its own weight.  But, I think Obama has a plan to save it; he’s going to put the 5 million illegals he just gave amnesty to on ObamaCare and the taxpayers will pay the premiums.  Gruber was right: We Americans are stupid. 

Q. Is it true that Regan also issued an order for amnesty for illegals?  (Joe ~ Palo Alto, CA)
A. That’s just another blatant Obama lie.  A Democrat-controlled Congress wanted to pass a law granting amnesty, but Reagan refused to sign it unless they agreed to increase border security.  They agreed and he signed the law, but they never increased border security.  It looks like all Democrats are not only liars, but they never keep their promises either. 

Q. Did I hear that taxpayers are going to pay for the children of illegals?  (Penney ~ Pahrump, NV)
A. Obama didn’t mention that in his announcement?  Illegals are getting Social Security cards, which means that they will be eligible for some Social Security benefits and disability pay.  This also puts them into the income tax system, which means they are eligible for earned income tax credits. It also means that he's buying future Democrat votes with your tax money. 

“The trust of the innocent is the liar’s most useful tool.” ~ Stephen King


Tuesday, November 25, 2014


No true bill. Insufficient evidence to support a filing of charges. 

Eric Holder and Barack Obama were quick to throw the Ferguson Police under the bus.  Neither one had any business commenting on the shooting of Michael Brown until an investigation was completed; even then, they should keep their collective mouths closed so that comments would not interfere with anyone’s right to a fair trial.  They didn’t keep their mouths shut and their remarks, coupled with inciting statements by the illustrious Al Sharpton undoubtedly fueled almost two weeks of destructive riots.  They both should be reprimanded and censured by the Congress and the Supreme Court for their egregious actions.  Unfortunately, the odds of that happening are slim and none. 

Q. I am totally against Internet gambling.  It is ruining a lot of lives.  Now the Indian tribes are starting it.  But, if we outlaw it, how do we control the offshore operations?  (Glenn ~ Tacoma, WA)
A. All we need to do is to pass a law making it illegal for any credit or debit card company to process gambling transactions for Internet gaming operations.  That’ll dry them up faster than Obama can sign an Executive Order.  . 

Q. It seems to me that Obama has a very nasty temperament and is intensely focused on “getting even” with anyone who crosses him, including the American public.  (Mia ~ Needles, CA)
A. Yeah, you’re right.  They just quietly released 3,415 new government regulations, all aimed at making life more miserable for us. 

Q. What’s next in Iran?  (Chester ~ Logan, UT)
A. The Iranians are in the driver’s seat.  Once again they refused to strike a deal by the deadline and once again…. the deadline was pushed back.  It reminds me of the disappearing “red line” of Syrian fame.  Interestingly enough, Kerry’s announcement of a failure in a deal and pushing back the deadline again was timed to be exactly when Obama was gushing praise to Hagel after he fired him.  Obviously, the White House prefers that the “stupid” American public not pay attention to the Administration’s failure at foreign policy. 

“Men are like steel.  When they lose their temper, they lose their worth.” ~ Chuck Norris


Monday, November 24, 2014


Federal investigators from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, (which audits the IRS), have uncovered encrypted copies of some 30,000 emails from a backup system, including those of Lois Lerner’s.  While it may take some time to decrypt them, toss out duplicates and edit them to take out names of taxpayers, the emails should shed significant light on the question of what Lerner was emailing and to whom. 

I am going to guess that Lois Lerner’s, Valerie Jarret’s and Barack Obama’s blood pressures have shot way up.  Maybe that’s why he pulled his unconstitutional immigration stunt, because he has nothing to lose?  Could an impeachment be in the offing?   

Q. What do you think Obama is willing to give Iran to get a deal on their nuclear energy program?  (Lenny ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. Everything, including the kitchen sink.  Here’s the fact: If Iran was only interested in building a nuclear reactor for the purpose of providing nuclear energy to its country, we could provide them with it and operate it for them.  They fact that they insist on building it and operating it themselves “for peaceful purposes” speaks for itself.  So… they want nukes.  Obama wants to rule America as “Despot-in-Charge” and he desperately needs the popularity of the country to make that happen.  In his twisted mind, he thinks striking a deal with Iran will accomplish that.  He’s psychotic; he has no grasp of reality and he is therefore very dangerous to us and our national security.   Besides, he likes Al Sharpton. 

Q. What do you think about the plans for the Republicans to sue Obama?  (Li ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. The thing about it is Obama continues to violate the law, finger Congress and ignore the Constitution.  The country just gave the Republicans a mandate to fix it…. And they’re fumbling the ball again, looking at each other and shrugging their shoulders while screaming like sick pigs.   They won’t impeach him and a budget cut isn’t going to hurt him one damned bit because he has discretionary spending.  Oh… they’re going to sue him?  That won’t get to the Supreme Court until long after Obama is out of office.  I’m so outraged I can’t stand it.  Now, I need a good stiff drink… maybe a straight shot or two.  Anyone got any ethanol? 

Q. I have a friend who came here from Taiwan on a special program where you can invest $500,000 and get a visa for you and your family and a chance at citizenship.  He’s madder than hell about this Obama amnesty thing.  What can I tell him?  
A. “T.S.” and that doesn’t mean “tomorrow’s Saturday.” 

“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.  I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

With this President, what do you expect?

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Burney Mountain Hermit is contemplating what we are allowing to happen to our country and will return Monday. 

Friday, November 21, 2014


  "I win; you lose." 


Q. Why didn’t the major networks carry Obama’s speech last night?  (Bolo ~ Santa Fe, NM)
A. Because networks are in the business of having viewers in order to make money and history shows that 93% of Americans either turn off their tubes or switch to another channel whenever he speaks. 

Q. Why did Obama head for Las Vegas right after his amnesty speech?  (Jill ~ Reno, NV)
A. Some say he wants to support Harry Reid as Reid gears up to run for reelection in 2016.  But, if you stop and think about it, Obama always heads for Vegas right after he does something nasty.  Take Benghazi, for instance; he was on his jet plane before the flames in Libya were out.   

Q.  Now that Obama has made his speech, what do you think Congress is going to do about it?  (Vic ~ Pueblo, CO
A.  The last I heard, they were out raising money to send Obama back to Kenya.  They’re selling raffle ticks at $1 each; the winner gets to put him on the plane.  So far, they’ve raised over $315 million. 


“One of my proudest moments is I didn’t sell my soul for the sake of popularity.” ~ George W. Bush