During the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast, the White House asked, but did not receive, an advance copy of the remarks Ben Carson intended to make as the keynote speaker; Carson told them he hadn’t finished putting it together yet and may speak extemporaneously; the White House evidently wanted to exert some "editorial discretion." Carson went on to make a now famous speech castigating Obama’s leadership while Obama glowered from his seat on the dais. Carson now says he was contacted by the White House and event organizers after the speech and was asked to call Obama and apologize. Carson did not comply.
The arrogance of this administration and of Obama never
ceases to amaze me. This is a classic
story of why most of us out in the west refer to Obama as being a “prick.”
Q. If other ranchers inn Nevada are paying their grazing
fees, why shouldn’t Bundy have to pay his?
(Pete ~ Stockton, CA)
A. Just because your neighbors cave in to the government
doesn’t mean that you have to. To my
knowledge, no Federal judge ordered the BLM to go onto Bundy’s ranch and seize
his cattle. That constitutes
confiscation without due process of law, period.
Q. I’m actually impressed that Obama decided to make a trip
to Ft. Hood for a memorial service last week.
(Gini ~ Federal Way, WA)
A. Don’t be. He had
already planned to be in Texas for a Democratic Party Fundraiser. By attending the memorial service, he doesn’t
have to pay costs for Air Force One on the trip.
Q. When Holder testified before the House last week, he
testified that he has a “vast amount of discretion” in deciding what laws to
enforce and how to enforce them. A law is a law, dammit, it the only people who
can change it are the Congress. How does
he get away with saying and doing these things?
(Shelly ~ Georgetown, TX)
A. He sits on the right hand of Obama.
“Nothing is more dangerous than a friend without discretion;
even a prudent enemy is preferable.” ~ Jean de la Fontaine
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