Friday, April 25, 2014


President Obama told Japan yesterday that the United States will defend Japan if China seizes the Senkaku Islands. 

Why on Earth would any nation in the world believe that?  That statement, as far as I am concerned, constitutes an open invitation for China to invade. 

Q. Do you believe in climate change? (Obie ~ Willits, CA)
A. Of course; the world’s climate is in a constant state of flux as different events affect it, such as solar flares, the pull of the moon’s gravity, volcanic activity and earthquakes.  Do I believe in the theory of global warming might be a better question.  While I believe that the possibility exists, I have not yet seen enough scientific evidence to prove to me that mankind is having an impact on climate change, with one exception: the hottest place around used to be Death Valley, but is now underneath Barack Obama’s collar.    

Q. It looks like you were correct in that the Republicans are going to put Jeb Bush up as nominee in the 2016 Presidential Election.  What does that portend?  (Paolo ~ Spokane, WA)
A. An overwhelming defeat for the Republicans; even Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi or Martin Sheen could beat Bush in 2016. 

Q. Given the recent kills of three doctors in Afghanistan, should the U.S. go ahead and get out?  (Darrell ~ Golden, CO)
A. Think of all of our lives lost there.  Think of the fact that the Al Qaeda which took down the World Trade Center and Pentagon trained there and that they are again in the neighborhood.  How can you possibly turn your back on all of that and walk away from it unless, of course, you have Obama for a President.  Given that last fact, I reluctantly have to agree that we do need to get out, because this President could never win there, even if he wanted to. 

“We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” ~ Winston Churchill


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