Thursday, April 24, 2014


That wonderful budget proposal which Obama came up with last month will initiate the highest level of sustained American taxation ever, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Under Obama’s budget proposal according to the CBO, the budget will never balance. But, over the next ten years the federal government would add $7.183 trillion to its debt held by the public.


He’s doing everything possible to totally kill what is left of the American economy and plunge us into a world of hurt. 


Q. What is the purpose of Obama’s trip to Asia?  (Steve ~ Coronado del Mar, CA)
A. Things are heating up in the Ukraine and Syria.  The public disapproval of his Presidency is at an all-time high. When you examine his history, you will see that he always gets out of town when the going gets rough.  You can bet your sweet bippees that if our ship of state ever sinks, Captain Obama will be the first one off. 

Q. Bob Dole says Ted Cruz is on the extreme right tip of conservative America.  Who is Bob Dole?  (Terry ~ Ruidoso, NM)
A. Ah yes, who is Bob Dole?  We should stop there, but I’ll add a bit.  Dole was the 1996 Republican candidate for President against incumbent Bill Clinton.  He lost and now here he is like the other losers, McCain, Romney and the Republican “establishment hierarchy,” trying to knock the candidates with new, bold and fresh ideas like Cruz, Rubio, Paul and Carson.  That, my friend, is why the Republican go cart seems to be stuck in reverse gear; they need glass stomachs so they can see their ways around.  

Q. I see Brian Sandoval is the Nevada GOP candidate for reelection as Nevada Governor and Sue Lowden is the candidate for Lt. Governor.  Also, I see the GOP Convention here decided to drop party opposition to abortion and gay marriage.  What do you make of all that?  (Timmy ~ Henderson, NV)
A. The only thing in the whole story that makes sense to me is standing behind Sandoval for reelection; I think he’s been doing a pretty good job.  Lowden’s career as a politician has been less-than-stellar; although, she was an excellent newscaster and businesswoman.  The party’s new platform is one of many reasons that the Nevada GOP cannot possibly hope to defeat Harry Reid in 2016, although Sandoval might give him a good run for the money. 


“The Internet is a great way to get on the net.”  ~ Bob Dole


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