Saturday, April 26, 2014


DRUDGE is reporting the Kremlin is no longer talking to the White House.  “Putin will not talk to Obama under pressure,” said Igor Yurgens, Chairman of the Institute for Contemporary Development, a prominent Moscow think tank, and a close associate of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “It does not mean forever.” 

Obama’s foreign policy gaffes are like his Pinocchio nose; they just keep growing and growing and growing. 

Q. Senators are complaining about the way Obama is circumventing the Constitution?  (Francine ~ Petaluma, CA)
A. They are whiners, aren’t they?  If they’d quit whining about it and DO something about it, they’d become winners.  As long as they continue to whine and do nothing, they’re wieners in my book. 

Q. Cliven Bundy made an outrageous remark about Negroes.  How do you feel about him now? (Irv ~ Wells, NV)
A. I think people missed the point of his remark.  He said, (condensed version), that blacks were better off as slaves than they are today, in that our government has robbed them of the good things they did have in their ways of life, and he has a point.  In the days of slavery, blacks stuck together and their families stayed together; they had a strong moral and ethical fabric and they labored hard.  Today, they have government in their lives and they have rape, incest, broken families, poverty, drugs, depression, et al.  That’s what I got out of his remarks and, if you think about it, there was a day in this country when all of us could pass gas in the privacy of our own homes without being harassed with the Clean Air Act, shouts of global warming and noise abatement squads. 

Q. What do you think of the idea of obligating $100 million of taxpayer dollars to fund an Obama Presidential Library in Chicago?  (Kyle ~ Boise, ID)
A. I have two thoughts: (1) All Presidential Libraries to date have been 100% funded by private donations, and (2) Why do they need another Mosque in Chicago?

“Obama is the only guy in the country who can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time.” ~ Unknown Scribbler


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