Monday, April 28, 2014


Citing the South Korean ferry sinking and the government’s slow response in rescue efforts, Prime Minister Chung Hong-won has announced his resignation.  A new Prime Minister will be appointed by the country’s President, President Park Geun-hye. 


Now, if our President had the same ethics, he would have resigned at least 75 times already.  Now, if Biden became President, who would he pick to be his Vice-President… Debbie Wasserman-Schultz or Maxine Waters? 


Q. Given Sterling’s remarks and Obama’s reaction, do you think racism is running rampant in the country?  (Ollie ~ Compton, CA)
A. Other than the fact that 150+ million Americans have come to despise this black President, I don’t think so.  You will always have prejudice, just as you will always have envy.  Some people dislike Jews, short people, Mexicans, foreign accents… you get the picture.  Obama has fanned the flames of racism in this country, but I believe the rhetoric will die down after he leaves the office.  That’s not to say that we don’t need to continue making progress in this area, but Obama has sought to divide this country against itself in every way possible. I've been dissected half a dozen times.  

Q. Some students are suing the University of Hawaii because they were told to stop handing out copies of the Constitution unless they did it from a “free speech” area.  What’s with sudden rash of defining “free speech” area and confining free speech and political activities to those areas?  (Blake ~ Bozeman, MT)
A. The left-wingers of this country have always tried to limit the free speech of those who disagree with them.  Since the Constitution says you can’t do that, they decided to limit where you could have free speech and to argue that free speech was not being infringed upon.  “They can say whatever they want; they just have to say it ‘over there.’”  It’s amazing to me how a public institution funded with public taxpayer dollars can get away with limiting any right guaranteed under our Constitution, including the right to carry guns on campus.  But then, I’m not a left-wing loon, either. 

Q. The Supreme Court of Alabama has just ruled that an unborn child has the right to life from the moment of its inception.”  Does this signal change on the subject of abortion?  (Lana ~ Roy, UT)
A. The ruling was with respect to the mother of an unborn child who was using drugs.  It does give pro-lifers another peg to hang their hat on, I think.  I therefore expect the ruling to go to the U.S. Supreme Court.  What’s lost in all of this is the fact that if were to set our moral compasses back to the 1950’s, we wouldn’t be having these arguments.  Progress is not always good. 

“Today, nostalgia is almost as unacceptable as racism.” ~ Terry Eagleton


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