Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Emails released yesterday indicate that the trail of the cover-up goes directly into the White House.  The e-mails, obtained by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act request, include one in which White House official Ben Rhodes lists "goals" for then-U.N. ambassador Susan Rice to meet in explaining the attack and protests occurring across the Middle East that week to the American public. 

We’ve all known it; I’ve been saying it in all of my blogs since the middle of September, 2012.  As of the time of this post, the White House has not responded.  But, this is not the full story; I’ve said all along that I cannot fathom any administration, including Obama’s, going to this extent of a cover-up against all of this flak, unless there was something much, much bigger in the background.  I have yet to see anything to change my opinion on this. 

Q. FOX NEWS is changing its lineup again.  Are they having ratings problems?  (Price ~ Springfield, OR)
A. It would appear so.  However, recent ratings still have FOX NEWS clearly in the lead with no slippage.  I don’t understand why they split Happening Now into two segments with a new show, “Outnumbered.”  I for one am tired of the talking over each other that occurs on Fox News and have basically quit watching “The Five” for that reason.  And why split a going production into two segments anyway; are they trying to kill it?  I think the country needs more straight news without the opinion; every damned show on FOX and elsewhere is too full of opinion.  And that’s my opinion. 

Q. I hear a Pennsylvania woman had her house sold over $6.30 in delinquent taxes?  (Lynn ~ Lake Forest Park, WA)
A. You would think that someone in Pennsylvania, some Good Samaritan, would cough up the $6.30, wouldn’t you?  What a bunch of tightwads.  But, like the Judge in the case said, the law is the law.  Somehow, some way, this country has lost all sense of reason.  I’m surprised they didn’t send in Storm Troopers and surround her house. 

Q. What’s the latest on the billion rounds of ammo the government bought… again?  (Irv ~ Mesquite, NV)
A. Well, the government is currently ready to destroy $1 billion worth of surplus ammo, most of which is undoubtedly still viable and usable since properly stored ammo has an incredibly long shelf life.  So, the game of the day seems to be to buy up ammo and then destroy it, a typical government purchasing operation.  And they want me to just shut up and watch them raise taxes? I surely would like to shoot that practice down. 

“If you can’t take something down in ten bullets, you probably shouldn’t even own a gun.” ~ Carolyn McCarthy


Tuesday, April 29, 2014


There is a growing move in Washington to investigate and prosecute corruption in Congress and government, and the name being most mentioned for Chief Counsel of a special Congressional Committee is Trey Gowdy. 

Gowdy has a lifelong excellent reputation as a criminal prosecutor.  Having watched him go after Lois Lerner and other targets of House Committees, I would not want to be on the receiving end of any of his investigations.  We all know that Congress and our government have become so corrupt that even the Attorney General is turning a blind eye to it.  It is far beyond the time when Americans should be demanding actions beyond mere lip service from Congress.  On the other hand, there is the possibility that we could end up without anyone left in government if such a committee is successful in routing the evil-doers out of their perches. 

Q. I am concerned about a stealth move being made in Congress right now.  As I understand it, there is a move afoot to require a state to place all of its electoral votes with a winning candidate.  In order words, if the vote is split in a state 50.5% of the vote to the Democrat Presidential candidate and 49.5% to the GOP candidate, all of that state’s Electoral College votes MUST be assigned to the Demo candidate.  That’s not fair; between California and New York, there is no way a GOP candidate could ever win the Presidency.  (Marlo ~ Morgan Hill, CA)
A. Kudos to you for catching that in the news and bringing it up.  Yes, it is grossly unjust and undemocratic and simply must be stopped.  There seems to be no end to what fascist moves this administration and the left-wing Democratic liberals will go to in order to usurp the Constitution and the intent of the founding fathers.  Remember when they tried to outlaw baseball, hot dogs and apple pie? 

Q. Did I hear that Congress actually passed a bill requiring transparency?  I can’t believe it.  How come we haven’t heard about it?  (Luke ~ Prescott, AZ)
A. The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act, (DATA) was passed Monday and requires various government agencies to make available to the public a list of all of their expenditures.  The bill, which drew bipartisan support in a 388-1 vote Monday, should allow Americans who want to know how tax money is apportioned to more readily understand whether “their taxpayer dollars are being wasted or if they’re being spent wisely.”  I cannot imagine how Obama can sign this bill; if he does, we’ll know where White House money goes.  What excuse might he use to veto it?  Disclosure might endanger the desert tortoise? 

Q. Is Obama getting any heat over his decision to delay approval of the Keystone Pipeline until after the election?  (Gordy ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. At least one labor union is a tad uptight: Terry O’Sullivan, leader of the Laborers’ International Union which represents a half-million construction workers, claimed the administration’s announcement on Good Friday that it was putting off the decision, has politics written all over it. The fact is that no agency has come forth in the six years since it was proposed to challenge it.  Republicans, as well as red-state Democrats who want the proposed Canada-to-Texas pipeline approved, slammed the administration for the delay. Some Democrats even threatened to find ways around the president to get the pipeline project approved.  Obama responded to the criticism by taking a trip to Asia. 

“A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.” ~ Dalia Lama


Monday, April 28, 2014


Citing the South Korean ferry sinking and the government’s slow response in rescue efforts, Prime Minister Chung Hong-won has announced his resignation.  A new Prime Minister will be appointed by the country’s President, President Park Geun-hye. 


Now, if our President had the same ethics, he would have resigned at least 75 times already.  Now, if Biden became President, who would he pick to be his Vice-President… Debbie Wasserman-Schultz or Maxine Waters? 


Q. Given Sterling’s remarks and Obama’s reaction, do you think racism is running rampant in the country?  (Ollie ~ Compton, CA)
A. Other than the fact that 150+ million Americans have come to despise this black President, I don’t think so.  You will always have prejudice, just as you will always have envy.  Some people dislike Jews, short people, Mexicans, foreign accents… you get the picture.  Obama has fanned the flames of racism in this country, but I believe the rhetoric will die down after he leaves the office.  That’s not to say that we don’t need to continue making progress in this area, but Obama has sought to divide this country against itself in every way possible. I've been dissected half a dozen times.  

Q. Some students are suing the University of Hawaii because they were told to stop handing out copies of the Constitution unless they did it from a “free speech” area.  What’s with sudden rash of defining “free speech” area and confining free speech and political activities to those areas?  (Blake ~ Bozeman, MT)
A. The left-wingers of this country have always tried to limit the free speech of those who disagree with them.  Since the Constitution says you can’t do that, they decided to limit where you could have free speech and to argue that free speech was not being infringed upon.  “They can say whatever they want; they just have to say it ‘over there.’”  It’s amazing to me how a public institution funded with public taxpayer dollars can get away with limiting any right guaranteed under our Constitution, including the right to carry guns on campus.  But then, I’m not a left-wing loon, either. 

Q. The Supreme Court of Alabama has just ruled that an unborn child has the right to life from the moment of its inception.”  Does this signal change on the subject of abortion?  (Lana ~ Roy, UT)
A. The ruling was with respect to the mother of an unborn child who was using drugs.  It does give pro-lifers another peg to hang their hat on, I think.  I therefore expect the ruling to go to the U.S. Supreme Court.  What’s lost in all of this is the fact that if were to set our moral compasses back to the 1950’s, we wouldn’t be having these arguments.  Progress is not always good. 

“Today, nostalgia is almost as unacceptable as racism.” ~ Terry Eagleton


Saturday, April 26, 2014


DRUDGE is reporting the Kremlin is no longer talking to the White House.  “Putin will not talk to Obama under pressure,” said Igor Yurgens, Chairman of the Institute for Contemporary Development, a prominent Moscow think tank, and a close associate of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “It does not mean forever.” 

Obama’s foreign policy gaffes are like his Pinocchio nose; they just keep growing and growing and growing. 

Q. Senators are complaining about the way Obama is circumventing the Constitution?  (Francine ~ Petaluma, CA)
A. They are whiners, aren’t they?  If they’d quit whining about it and DO something about it, they’d become winners.  As long as they continue to whine and do nothing, they’re wieners in my book. 

Q. Cliven Bundy made an outrageous remark about Negroes.  How do you feel about him now? (Irv ~ Wells, NV)
A. I think people missed the point of his remark.  He said, (condensed version), that blacks were better off as slaves than they are today, in that our government has robbed them of the good things they did have in their ways of life, and he has a point.  In the days of slavery, blacks stuck together and their families stayed together; they had a strong moral and ethical fabric and they labored hard.  Today, they have government in their lives and they have rape, incest, broken families, poverty, drugs, depression, et al.  That’s what I got out of his remarks and, if you think about it, there was a day in this country when all of us could pass gas in the privacy of our own homes without being harassed with the Clean Air Act, shouts of global warming and noise abatement squads. 

Q. What do you think of the idea of obligating $100 million of taxpayer dollars to fund an Obama Presidential Library in Chicago?  (Kyle ~ Boise, ID)
A. I have two thoughts: (1) All Presidential Libraries to date have been 100% funded by private donations, and (2) Why do they need another Mosque in Chicago?

“Obama is the only guy in the country who can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time.” ~ Unknown Scribbler


Friday, April 25, 2014


President Obama told Japan yesterday that the United States will defend Japan if China seizes the Senkaku Islands. 

Why on Earth would any nation in the world believe that?  That statement, as far as I am concerned, constitutes an open invitation for China to invade. 

Q. Do you believe in climate change? (Obie ~ Willits, CA)
A. Of course; the world’s climate is in a constant state of flux as different events affect it, such as solar flares, the pull of the moon’s gravity, volcanic activity and earthquakes.  Do I believe in the theory of global warming might be a better question.  While I believe that the possibility exists, I have not yet seen enough scientific evidence to prove to me that mankind is having an impact on climate change, with one exception: the hottest place around used to be Death Valley, but is now underneath Barack Obama’s collar.    

Q. It looks like you were correct in that the Republicans are going to put Jeb Bush up as nominee in the 2016 Presidential Election.  What does that portend?  (Paolo ~ Spokane, WA)
A. An overwhelming defeat for the Republicans; even Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Nancy Pelosi or Martin Sheen could beat Bush in 2016. 

Q. Given the recent kills of three doctors in Afghanistan, should the U.S. go ahead and get out?  (Darrell ~ Golden, CO)
A. Think of all of our lives lost there.  Think of the fact that the Al Qaeda which took down the World Trade Center and Pentagon trained there and that they are again in the neighborhood.  How can you possibly turn your back on all of that and walk away from it unless, of course, you have Obama for a President.  Given that last fact, I reluctantly have to agree that we do need to get out, because this President could never win there, even if he wanted to. 

“We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” ~ Winston Churchill


Thursday, April 24, 2014


That wonderful budget proposal which Obama came up with last month will initiate the highest level of sustained American taxation ever, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Under Obama’s budget proposal according to the CBO, the budget will never balance. But, over the next ten years the federal government would add $7.183 trillion to its debt held by the public.


He’s doing everything possible to totally kill what is left of the American economy and plunge us into a world of hurt. 


Q. What is the purpose of Obama’s trip to Asia?  (Steve ~ Coronado del Mar, CA)
A. Things are heating up in the Ukraine and Syria.  The public disapproval of his Presidency is at an all-time high. When you examine his history, you will see that he always gets out of town when the going gets rough.  You can bet your sweet bippees that if our ship of state ever sinks, Captain Obama will be the first one off. 

Q. Bob Dole says Ted Cruz is on the extreme right tip of conservative America.  Who is Bob Dole?  (Terry ~ Ruidoso, NM)
A. Ah yes, who is Bob Dole?  We should stop there, but I’ll add a bit.  Dole was the 1996 Republican candidate for President against incumbent Bill Clinton.  He lost and now here he is like the other losers, McCain, Romney and the Republican “establishment hierarchy,” trying to knock the candidates with new, bold and fresh ideas like Cruz, Rubio, Paul and Carson.  That, my friend, is why the Republican go cart seems to be stuck in reverse gear; they need glass stomachs so they can see their ways around.  

Q. I see Brian Sandoval is the Nevada GOP candidate for reelection as Nevada Governor and Sue Lowden is the candidate for Lt. Governor.  Also, I see the GOP Convention here decided to drop party opposition to abortion and gay marriage.  What do you make of all that?  (Timmy ~ Henderson, NV)
A. The only thing in the whole story that makes sense to me is standing behind Sandoval for reelection; I think he’s been doing a pretty good job.  Lowden’s career as a politician has been less-than-stellar; although, she was an excellent newscaster and businesswoman.  The party’s new platform is one of many reasons that the Nevada GOP cannot possibly hope to defeat Harry Reid in 2016, although Sandoval might give him a good run for the money. 


“The Internet is a great way to get on the net.”  ~ Bob Dole


Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Weeks after the Boeing 737 went missing, there is no confirmed evidence that the plane has been found anywhere.  The search has continued in the Indian Ocean without even a speck of evidence that the plane crashed there.  Malaysian authorities are now turning their attention to other possibilities. The search will continue for the time being. 

There are those who insist there is no way the plane could be on ground and in a hangar someplace.  Surely, they say, a host nation would know it was there and report it.  Just like Pakistan reported the longtime location of Osama in one of their big cities?  And what about those beeps in the ocean from the black boxes?  Who says the boxes could not be removed and tossed into the ocean?  To me, there is just too much evidence of pilot wrongdoing in this story.  I’m not suggesting it could not be a plot gone awry, but neither am I yet 100% convinced that the plane is in the Indian Ocean. 

Q. The U.A.W. lost in its bid to unionize a Tennessee VW plant and now says it is giving up.  Do you have an opinion?  (Georgette ~ Lancaster, CA)
A. I believe that you know what has been promised to you by an employer when you go to work for him and that as long as he lives up to those promises, you have no grounds for complaint. If he doesn’t, you have the right to organize.  In short, the only union I believe in is between a man and a woman.  

Q. I am disturbed by the thought of Syrians getting gassed with toxic chemical weapons.  I am also disturbed by what Ukrainians are going through as well as the growing possibility that Iran might strike Israel with an atomic bomb.  How can Obama sleep at night without doing something about these atrocities?  (Clemmie ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. He has no conscience; he is pathological.  He does not care if you live or die and that is what makes him dangerous as a President. That only thing that matters to him is winning, or having his way about things.  That is why he surrounds himself with agencies which will spy on us, because to him we are his enemies and will be until we become totally subservient, such as his White House Czars and goon squads.  I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but not even flies like him.    

Q. Do you think biofuels will replace fossil fuels as an energy source?  (Tina ~ Wichita, KS)
A. As it stands right now, no way.  Recent government research, which they are covering up, shows that biofuels actually contribute more to carbon emissions than fossil fuels.  Another fact they are not talking about:  They have discovered a vast amount of frozen methane underneath the coasts of the U.S. and Mexico that possesses more energy than all previously discovered energy fields worldwide, combined.  Using it would reduce overall carbon emissions.  But, you have to get permits to drill it, extract and pipe it, so as long as Obama is in office we don’t stand a chance.  He himself is a real gasser, isn’t he? 

“It is a scientific fact that your body will not absorb cholesterol if you take it from another person’s plate.” ~ Dave Berry


Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Amtrak has announced it must cease service to many towns in America unless the individual states kick in money to upgrade the aging tracks. 


Once again, the Federal government has displayed its superb disability in running what should be a private business.  It’s the same thing they’ve done to the U.S. Post Office; they’ve emasculated it.  Competition is what keeps innovation going and better business practices growing.  The government has eliminated competition on the rails and in the mails, just as it now seeks to eliminate competition in health insurance by pushing the country into a government-run single-payer system.  Frankly, from what I can see of this government, we’d be better off splitting up into 50 individual countries and getting rid of the feds altogether.  If we’re afraid of some other nation going to war against us, we can always hire former BLM agents to protect us. 


Q. I hear Obama made a speech in Pennsylvania over the weekend that was neither well-attended nor well-received?  (Cory ~ Mt. Vernon, Washington)
A. Approximately 300 people attended the speech at Allegheny Community College in Oakdale, Pennsylvania last Wednesday.  Although he was touting his new spending program, his laugh lines fell flat and applause was muted and infrequent.  I guess the crowd had decided to hold on to their Bibles and guns and to skip the empty rhetoric. 

Q. What is your opinion of Michael Bloomberg’s latest $50 million effort at gun control and elimination of the NRA?  (Earl ~ Bend, OR)
A. At least he’s putting his money where his mouth is.  Bloomberg’s security detail carries guns, which means to me he’s akin to a bird…all mouth and no ass; a bat, perhaps. 

Q. Obviously, the “peaceful” solution to the Syrian situation has failed.  How long do you think it will be before we see the appearance of chemical weapons again, and what will Obama do about it?  (Leona ~ Roseville, CA)
A. The Obama Administration yesterday fessed up and said it “appears” that chemical weapons were again used in Syria earlier this month.  Since the information coming to us is delayed, we can surmise that Obama has no appetite for reinstituting his infamous “red line,” and that Assad is much better off than Americans because he can truly continue to keep and use his chemical weapons if he wants to. 


“If the federal government had been around when the Creator was putting His hand to this state, Indiana wouldn’t be here.  We’d still be waiting for an environmental impact statement.”  ~ Ronald Reagan


Monday, April 21, 2014


President Obama met Friday with the National Commander of the American Legion in an effort to halt the Legion’s opposition to illegal immigration and amnesty.  The Legion has come out against a plan to allow illegal immigrants to have slots in military organizations actively sought after by U.S. citizens.  The proposed immigration rewrite would consist of a small amnesty for younger illegals, or a copy of the Senate’s June 2013 bill which would triple the inflow of legal immigrants and guest workers to 40 million over the next decade. That huge inflow is roughly equal to the number of Americans youths who will join the workforce by 2024 in search of decent jobs.

As of post time, I don’t know the results of that meeting.  But I do know that the Administration has been less-than-supportive of American Legion positions in the past and that the I.R.S. has begun audits of each and every one of the 15,000 Legion Posts in the country. 

Q. Do you think Kathleen Sebelius will actually run for U.S. Senator in Kansas?  (Marty ~ Wenatchee, WA)
A. Yes, I think she might.  If they want to keep her out of the state badly enough, they’ll elect her; that's the only reason Harry Reid keeps his job.  All this country needs is another anti-American, left-wing liberal in the Senate. 

Q. What is Elizabeth Warren, potential Democratic nominee for President, whining about these days?  (Olga ~ Wisconsin Rapids, WI)
A. In an election contest last year, she claimed she was “part Indian.”  Her bluff was called and she couldn’t prove it.  She has written a book in which she whines that she was stunned, hurt and angered by the pushback.  That seems to be a typical left-wing liberal response to getting caught in a lie; just check out Barack Obama, for example.  We should all go to church and pray for her because; in her condition she cannot help herself.  But, be on the alert; she seems to be the epitome of the typical Democratic nominees for President. 

Q. There seem to be a lot of reports about triangular shaped UFOs lately.  Any idea what they are?  (Irving ~ Laredo, TX)
A. They could be a new bomber, one of those “top-secret” projects being developed at Area 51.  There are pictures of them, taken near Wichita, Kansas and in Texas.  The pictures show the craft with contrails, which indicates to me they are terrestrial, not extra-terrestrial.  The E.P.A. requires all extra-terrestrial aircraft to have special modifications to eliminate contrails when flying over the U.S. 

“I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.” ~ Edgar Mitchell