All math coming out of this Administration has been fuzzy at best. Remember that this is the Administration that claimed hundreds of thousands of jobs created or saved in Congressional districts that don’t exist. All “facts” coming out of the White House for the last 13 months have been proven to be incorrect, misstated or misleading. It’s shameful. TODAY’S QUERIES ANSWERS:
Q. You sure have been blunt in your assessment of President Obama these past few days. Do you think that other Presidents have been so lily pure? (Maxine ~ Chicago, IL)A. Absolutely not. We’ve had two good Presidents in my lifetime: Truman and Reagan. Everyone else has suffered from varying degrees of bad leadership of America. Well, I forgot about Nixon; everyone accused him of being a crook, but he was not a crook. He was a thug. Obama is starting to make Nixon look like a saint.
Q. About a week ago, you said only 18% of Americans have a favorable view of Congress. How low can they sink? (Ollie ~ Prescott, AZ)
A. A recent Rasmussen poll has 10% thinking Congress is doing its job. 71% rate Congress poor, a total of 89% say poor or fair. That’s why we have to throw them all out…
Q. There’s a story that some Indian tribes in North and South Dakota and Wyoming are making huge money from oil and that they sit on the single largest deposit of oil ever discovered. Is that true? (Stan ~ Willard, UT)
A. There is a significant oil deposit there, but I understand that estimates of its size are overstated. They also have a problem in getting the oil to market due to the lack of pipelines. And, they’re burning off a huge amount of natural gas for the same reason. They’ve got almost as much natural gas there as you’ll find on Capitol Hill.
“My doctor told me I should quit paying attention to the health care plans. He said my blood pressure is too high.” ~ Unknown ScribblerTODAY’S VIDEO:
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