As the sale of guns and ammo have soared over the last 18 months, the number of crimes involving guns and ammo have dramatically decreased. On that basis alone, the argument is invalidated. On the other side of the coin, if the proposed law is enacted, the criminals will just buy their ammo in Richmond, or Reno. The opinion is correct in that criminals cause gun crime, so it seems to me that the answer is to round up the criminals instead of going after those of us who own guns, contribute to the public safety, and don’t cause crime. TODAY’S QUERIES & ANSWERS:
Q. I am so, so afraid about the national debt and what it means for our grandkids. How can we stop this unbalanced budget? (Mary ~ Laughlin, NV)A. We have two choices: (1) enact an amendment to the Constitution that requires a balanced budget, or (2) throw all of the bums out of office. I recommend we do both.
Q. What is a serpentine belt? (Gladys ~ Montgomery, AL)
A. It’s the belt on your car engine that keeps snakes and other politicians from infesting your fuel injection system.
Q. If we cut government spending, aside from a cut in services, doesn’t that mean higher unemployment? (Benny ~ Corvalis, OR)
A. Possibly. It depends on where you make the cuts. If you just cut out the waste, probably not. Take Medicare for example. The doctor gets paid for each visit you make. Medicare pays so low per visit, that the doctor is inclined to have you come back two or three times. Why not increase the amount per visit and then put a maximum number of visits for the same treatment? I think we’d really cut costs that way and think of the gas it would save. We might just solve the nation’s energy problems!
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." ~ Thomas JeffersonTODAY’S VIDEO: OBAMA TERRORIST TRIALS - DAY 81:
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