The Hermit has been warning for several months that mortgage foreclosures are going to rise dramatically in 2010. This bad news supports my contention, and commercial foreclosures are going to soar as well. This all means that banks and mortgage companies are in for another crisis. The underlying cause, of course, is that people are out of work and Washington has not yet addressed that problem; they want to get Obama’s Health Care Plan passed. I can see it now, millions of healthy Americans with no place to live. This is not funny. TODAY’S QUERIES & ANSWERS:
Q. What is causing all of Toyota’s problems? (Susie ~ Denver, CO)A. They hired too many American auto execs to run their U.S. operations.
Q. I have a 1998 Jeep and I’m thinking about buying a new vehicle, but I’m worried about GM and Chrysler and now Toyota and I hate Fords. What do you think? (Spike ~ Menlo Park, CA)
A. Number one, I would not buy anything if you have to go into debt to buy it; the economy over the next 36 months at least will probably continue to be precarious. There are some real deals to be made on low-mileage used cars coming out of the rental and leasing business right now.
Q. How did we let our government become so big? (Jamie ~ Redding, CA)
A. We sat on our couches, drank beer, watched football and practically wrapped up our freedoms, liberties and powers of the people and let the bureaucrats have them. We are learning, hopefully not too late, that if we do not protect and exercise our powers that are reserved to the people, we will most certainly lose them.
“You can bend it and twist it... You can misuse and abuse it... But even God cannot change the Truth.” ~ Michael LevyTODAY’S VIDEO:
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