I would say that if you are upset about their public display of testicles, you would be well-advised to cancel all business you do with them and any of their subsidiaries. And, if you own stock in them, sell it. Don’t get mad; get even. TODAY’S QUERIES &ANSWERS:
Q. Do you feel better about Obama, now that he’s reaching out to Republicans? (Rodger ~ Detroit, MI)A. No. Look at his history of saying one thing and doing another. Look at his history, Reid’s history, Pelosi’s history of hiding the facts and manipulating the truths, particularly with respect to health care. Remember the promises they made to take things out of the bill, only to leave them in as they added another 500 pages to it here and there. Remember Pelosi’s statement to the effect she doesn’t care what they have to do, they will get it done. Obama can’t be trusted; his word has proven itself to be worthless. When he looks you in the eye and tells you that he wants Congress to confirm his nominees and, should they fail to do so, he will name them to their posts during the Congressional recess this summer, that is to say he doesn’t consider Congressional wishes or votes to be relevant. So, why is he saying the things he is saying? For the same reason he denied ever knowing Ayers. For the same reason he denied listening to Wright’s sermons. For the same reason he says Washington needs to quit hiring lobbyists when he has 30 on his payroll. His philosophical outlook on life can best be summed up in two words: “Up yours.”
Q. You were right in saying that the health care bill was not dead. I can’t believe the audacity of these people. (Manessa ~ Oxnard, CA)
A. The proper answer is to not let any one of them past the primaries. Vote them out in the primaries.
Q. What do you think President Obama is going to do about Iran? (Vaughn ~ Layton, UT)
A. I halfway think that he hopes Iran will pull some dirty deed so that everyone will get their minds off of his health care plan; I actually think he’s that obsessed with it.
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” ~ Abraham LincolnTODAY’S VIDEO:
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