Monday, November 3, 2014


The release by Mexico of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is undoubtedly the best news of the year. 


Look for Obama to claim that while on the 10th tee at Augusta National, he came up with an idea on how to end the stalemate and former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson executed it at his request and under his direction. 


Q. What has ever become of the Cliven Bundy vs. BLM mess in Nevada?  (Trinity ~ Oakland, CA)
A. Well, the story goes that the real impetus behind the standoff was Harry Reid and his son; his son was working with the Chinese to build a solar plant on and/or near land that Bundy was using to graze his cattle on.  The Nevada State Public Utilities Commission voted 2-1 last Monday that Nevada Power Co. failed to show the need for the plant and its power would be too expensive for customers in Las Vegas.  They turned the proposal down.  Bundy has made a few speeches, but I’ve not heard anything more about his disagreement with the BLM.  I think when the revelation about the Reids and their relationship with the Chinese solar company came out, the well-known cow poopoo hit the fan.     

Q. We’ve heard stories about people getting up and walking out on Obama speeches lately, but now I hear that Hillary is having trouble getting people in the door in the first place? (Kevin ~ St. George, UT)
A. She was speaking in College Park, Maryland last week and there were a significant number of empty seats.  To make matters worse for her, many of those who were in attendance heckled her frequently. 

Q. I hear conflicting stories about how the war against I.S.I.S. is going.  What’s the skinny?  (Lory ~ Grants Pass, OR)
A. Those on the ground keep telling of beheading and mass executions by I.S.I.S. by the dozens.  Their ranks are swelling by more than 1,000 per month.  Even Secretary of Defense Hagel, Obama’s handpicked Cabinet Member, wrote a scathing letter to National Security Adviser Susan Rice thundering that Obama’s policy is going to fail because no one knows what to do about Assad.  But, according to the White House, I.S.I.S. is losing.  The last time Obama told the truth about anything, he wasn’t even born yet. 


“People say satire is dead.  It’s not dead; it’s alive and living in the White House.” ~ Robin Williams


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