Monday, April 7, 2014


Three different sources are now saying that they have heard the “ping” that could be from the black box on the missing Malaysian jetliner.  However, not one of the sources recorded the pings so they could be analyzed.  Australian authorities confirmed on Sunday that a Chinese patrol vessel had picked up a fleeting "ping" signal twice on Friday and Saturday in waters west of Perth, near where investigators believe Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 went down on March 8. As a consequence, more planes and ships were being sent to assist in that area.  Meanwhile, on Sunday an Australian ship carrying sophisticated deep-sea sound equipment picked up a third signal in a different part of the massive search area, some 300 nautical miles away.

Big whoopee!  I have to admit that I would love to have confirmation that the plane is in the Indian Ocean; that would certainly negate the possibility that the plane is in terrorist hands in the Middle East someplace, wouldn’t it?  I’m, sorry, but I’ve had recurring dreams over several years about a “ghost” plane coming out of the darkness of night and dropping a nuke on New York City.  Oh, and by the way, no terrorist group has the $35 million to $55 million it takes to buy a used 777 these days and such a purchase would raise some eyebrows anyway; so, why not just steal one?  Underwater currents have different layers of temperature that can affect the traveling of signals such as the ones we are looking for.  It is possible that the “pings” heard 300 miles apart could be coming from the same source, just as it is possible that the pings are not from a downed jetliner.  Based on the information available Sunday at 7:15 PM EDT, I say the odds are still 70% that the plane is on solid ground in the Middle East. 

Q. How do you feel about all of those security cameras at intersections?  Wasn’t there some talk about tying them into the NSA network? (Chloe ~ Ridgecrest, CA)
A. Yes, there was such talk; I haven’t heard of any recent follow-up to that.  The cameras originally caused an outrage from citizens who were concerned that they would be used to issue tickets and how could the authorities know who was driving the car?  Perish the thought, we were told; they were be used only in the event of traffic accidents at the intersections and for adjusting traffic control lights… period.  All over the country, they are currently being used to issue speeding tickets and other violations; so much for that promise.  It seems to me that every time officials use “period” in promises, we certainly must know they are lying through their teeth.   It's obvious they are being abused, so the cameras should be removed. 

Q. Hillary Clinton has been “banned” in San Diego?  (Pete ~ Palm Desert, CA)
A. Clinton announced she has cancelled her upcoming visit due to her heavy schedule.  Protestors promised to give her a hard time over her handling of the Benghazi issue if she showed up, but she’s going to appear by satellite link anyway.  I guess she doesn’t want to personally face the music. 

Q. Are you satisfied now that they’ve signed up 7.1 million for ObamaCare?  Will that shut you up?  (Georgia ~ Compton, CA)
A. I do not believe for a millisecond that 7.1 people have signed up and paid.  But, let’s assume Obama is correct.  6.2 million people got kicked off their own plans.  That’s a net gain of 900,000 people with insurance… according to Obama’s own math.  To spend hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars and to so totally turn the healthcare industry upside down in the process, all for 900,000 out of 330 + million Americans is reprehensible and outrageous.  Every single lawmaker who voted for it should be run out the country on a rail, and that includes Barack Hussein Obama and his gorgeous sidekick, Kathleen Sibelius.    

“For a people who are free and who intend to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.”  ~ Thomas Jefferson


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