Friday, August 30, 2019


As if there as any doubt about Beto's run for the Democrat nomination, he has made it clear that he not only is not qualified to be president, but that he doesn't want the job, either.  He had his campaign people remove Joel Pollak, a Breitbart News editor, during a campaign event at Benedict College, (historically Black).  A resulting backlash from Dems and GOPs claimed O'Rourke was violating the concept of Free Press.

O'Rourke's campaign promptly retorted that Pollak has a history of making inflammatory remarks about Blacks and that Beto wanted to prevent any bad vibes at the event.  Evidently, Beto really wanted to exert his "right" to censorship; Pollak is an Orthodox Jew married to a Black woman.  So, why would Pollak be racist?  Oh my... Beto has definitely fallen on his own sword. 
The DHS has revoked access to CBP facilities for an upcoming visit planned by Democrat staffers from the House Oversight Committee citing staff behavior that “interfered” with law enforcement operations during prior visits... including refusing to leave one site after their scheduled window, skipping some tours and being "rude" to officers. I wonder why CNN hasn't covered this story?

There is an alternative to FOX NEWS... It's One America News, (OAN aka OANN). 

Beto says that abortion is perfectly fine... even up to the moment of birth.  It's unfortunate for us that his mom didn't have one. 

While you're savoring the smell of the barbecue and turning hamburgers on the grill this weekend, ponder this: Did Jeffrey Epstein really commit suicide? 

Ilhan was using campaign funds to pay for her affair with her married staffer?  So... what's the big deal?  Somebody has to pay for the condoms!   

Isn't it amazing how General Flynn gets charged with lying to the FBI, but James Comey, (who leaked classified information and spearheaded an effort to dethrone a sitting President), gets off scott- free?   

"Don't discriminate: Barbecue a member of Congress this weekend." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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