Tuesday, September 3, 2019


The fact that all of those involved in an overt attempt to seize control of our government are going unpunished is disgusting.  Why have laws?  So Comey's "disgusting?"  With everyone getting off, it seems to me like all of this false outrage is just another dog and pony show.

In the same vein, there's a theory being circulated that the real reason they're not prosecuting Comey is that he threatened to reveal who in the Obama White House was behind his illegal activities.  Two and a half years into the Trump Presidency and the good old boys in Washington are still able to protect Obama and Clinton?  
There's a huge mansion for sale in San Francisco; it went on the market in 2018 for $45 million.  Having had no viable nibbles, the sellers have just dropped the price by 10% to $40.5 million.  Here's the issue: Who wants to pay that kind of money for a mansion that's surrounded by human feces?  Who even wants to go there to look at it?

Seven rapes in five weeks committed in Maryland "sanctuary" county by illegal immigrants.  When are we going to have enough of this crap?

Over two million people are now saying they will show up to storm Nevada's Area 51 on September 20th.  Where in hell are they all going to park? And, what happens if they all have to go wee, (or whatever)? 

It's interesting to note that Darth Vader was born in Honolulu in the same hospital where Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama was born. 

Your close personal entertainment outlet, Disney, reportedly left a crew of five employees on it's Castaway Cay Island in the middle of the Bahamas to ride out category 5 Dorian alone.  Just thought you'd like to know.  This is no Mickey Mouse story. 

The next time you're in a gun shooting "incident," when the bullets are flying and you're in danger if losing your life, ask yourself why gun laws didn't work.  

"Horrendous and numerous deaths from gun violence in Chicago evidently don't matter.  That's why we don't hear about them." ~ The Unknown Scribbler 

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