Friday, August 16, 2019


The autopsy report on Jeffrey Epstein shows that he had broken bones in his neck which could have been caused by his hanging himself, but which were much more consistent with bones broken when someone chokes you to death.  Screaming was heard in the area of Epstein's cell prior to the discovery of his dead body.  There was no video and the guards were nowhere to be seen.  His cellmate had been removed just a few hours before the "suicide."

Was Epstein murdered by an invisible alien being? Darth Vader, perhaps?
Ilhan and Rashida have been advised by Israel that they are not welcomed there.  Their reaction?  Israel just doesn't like Muslims and had better damned well let them in or else!  Sob, sob.

I think the time is nearing when frustrated legal gun owners are simply going to start ignoring any new law that comes on the books.  Then what?  

Two illegal immigrants have been charged with second-degree rape of the same 11-year-old girl in Maryland, and on multiple occasions.  Why isn't that front-page news?  

Proof that Democrats hate America: They're pulling out all of the stops in an effort to tank the economy just so that Trump won't be reelected.  

Pennsylvania's governor has announced he will issue an executive order slapping extensive gun control m measures in place.  Well, Guv, Pennsylvania has a background church system in place; how did the convicted Philly shooter get his hands on an AR-15?  Like maybe... such laws don't work?  And, by the way, why did your "outstanding" Philadelphia citizens harass and toss rocks the cops at the scene? 

"Word has it that "Sleepy Joe" Biden is considering joining the race for the Democrat presidential nomination." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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