Monday, August 5, 2019


Through their enactments of gun and ammunition  prohibition measures, Democrats are bound and determined to make it absolutely certain that the only person with a gun during the next mass shooting will continue to be... the shooter. Today, the blood of at least 29 Americans is on their hands because they don't want us to be able to defend ourselves. 

Indeed, Pete Butthead seized the microphone of Democrat hate before the smell of gunpowder had left the streets of Dayton, saying white nationalism and the NRA were to blame.  Nobody who thinks like that should ever... ever... be allowed back in public office.  Such vile viciousness spewing forth from the mouth of an insensitive imbecile while the victims are still laying in the streets is ugly, evil and abhorrent. 
House Democrats obviously don't gave a damn what their constituents think: while the percentage of Dems overall who think President Trump is plunging, the percentage of House Dems who favor impeachment is rising.  Just one more reason why everyday American Democrats need to switch to Independent or Republican.

Just about everyone in the know, including many company employees, is prophesying that Google is going to pull out all of the stops in an overt attempt to sway the 2020 election away from President Trump.  And we will, I suppose, continue to sit on our duffs, do nothing and watch it happen... to be followed by bellyaching afterwards.  Aren't we a fine bunch?

Barely mentioned in the media, the Iranians have seized another oil tanker and captured its crew.  

With all of the gun laws already on the books, why do you suppose it is that mass shootings are on the increase?  If gun laws were the answer, we wouldn't have any mass shootings.  Maybe the brilliant, elite Dems should come up with something new... like teaching love of fellow mankind as opposed to the politics of hate? 

"Why hasn't it dawned on anybody yet that every single mass shooter in the country has been a Democrat?" ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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