Monday, August 26, 2019


John Solomon is reporting that, in what may appears to have been an effort to protect Hillary Clinton, the FBI, then under the direction of James Comey and Andrew McCabe, willfully ignored mountains of highly classified evidence against her and has stonewalled the Senate for a year on whether it intends to reexamine that evidence.  This stonewalling has continued under Chris Wray, Jeff Sessions and, so far, Bill Barr.  
Joe Walsh is going to run for president against Trump?  Doesn't this country understand that we're all sick and tired of the crappy self-serving, left-wing progressive politicians in Washington?  We're actually on the verge of physically marching on Washington and dragging everybody out by their feet, including the Joe Walsh's of the world! 

If you want to solve the mass shooting crisis, you need to focus on the shooters and not on internet legal, law-abiding gun owners.  We need to instill in the potential shooter the absolute fear of God.  

The next thing we know, CNN will be hiring AOC as a commentator...

Just because a Federal Judge orders the FBI or State Department to release certain records does not mean  they will comply; and to date, nobody has ever gone into one of those agencies to ascertain whether or not they have fully complied.  

No, I haven't regained any interest in the NFL; as long as they are still taking knees, they don't even belong in this country.  

Why would anyone want to visit San Francisco?  That place is the shits... so to speak.  

"The reason the price of pork is so high is that Congress has a high demand for it." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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