Friday, August 9, 2019


Universal Pictures is about to release a movie about elitists flying around the country and murdering "deplorables" for sport.  It's called "The Hunt."  Let me tell you folks:  This movie will provoke murder and mass shootings.  My best advice to you is get a gun, get lots of ammo, learn how to use it and be ready to defend yourselves.  The fomenting of anger is feeding on itself. 

What they are advocating for, in reality, is killing anybody who doesn't agree with you.  This is pure evil and the people responsible for even thinking of the idea must be jailed for inciting violence and murder.  Universal must lose its corporate charter.  It certainly appears the New Civil War has begun.  
A man has been arrested in Santa Ana for stabbing four people to death.  That doesn't make national news because it doesn't fit the gun control narrative.  Maybe I should grab my guns and go shoot a slew of "journalists" because I don't agree with their tactics?  Why doesn't Universal make a movie about that idea? 

It's a sad day, but President Trump is correct when he says FOX NEWS is moving left, darkening one of the few remaining voices of sanity in the country.  I've been watching One America News Network for many months, ( or check your cable listings for OAN,).

A day that will forever be etched in the annals of history: the Washington Post has admitted it is embarrassed and it has apologized after the paper was forced to issue 15 corrections to a story about black families struggling to keep their southern farmland.  

E.T. may be on the way: Scientists have discovered a new series of mysterious signals coming from billions of light-years away in outer space, getting louder and louder.  Maybe they're coming after your neighbor?  

Lightening struck a septic tank cover in Florida, resulting in an explosion that blew the toilet up in the house.  I'll bet they got a rise out of that...

"Extraterrestrials would be out of their minds to visit this world." ~ The Unknown Scribbler

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