Friday, June 2, 2017


First off, I need to issue a correction and an apology for misrepresenting the facts yesterday about the House Intelligence Committee’s subpoena against intelligence agencies.  I indicated that John Brennan, Samantha Powers and Susan Rice had been subpoenaed; they had not.  The agencies were subpoenaed to bring documents about the three individuals regarding their potential involvement in illegal unmasking of names in intelligence records. 

The country added some 253,000 jobs last month according to a recent ADP report. 

Gosh, Trump is surely doing a disastrous job, isn’t he?  He really needs to be impeached, doesn’t he?  How the leftists in this country can consider it their job to trash a President who is doing so much of a better job than their idol, Obama, is beyond me.  I guess they like being out of work… while we pay for it. 

Q. Any thoughts about the U.S. getting out of Obama’s Paris Climate Accord?  (Ginger ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A. That certainly lets all of the hot air out of that balloon. 

Q. There’s a new Rasmussen report out that shows CNN now has more viewers than FOX NEWS.  Do you think that’s true, and why?  (Goldy ~ Reno, NV)
A. I think a lot of people, like me, have simply quit watching FOX NEWS; that doesn’t mean I’ve switched to CNN.  So, viewership at FOX is down, but viewership at CNN is not necessarily going up.  This is due in large part to the FOX NEWS change from being fair and balanced, or somewhat neutral, to becoming more liberal.  They try to be subtle about it, but we’re simply not as dumb as we look… are we? 

Q. So now, Hillary is blaming the DNC for her November loss?  (Bennie ~ Durango, CO)
A. Give her a break; she’s just trying so very hard to remain relevant.   

“A life without fame can be a good life, but fame without a life is no life at all.” ~ Clive James


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