Friday, June 16, 2017


Nancy Pelosi blames today’s political rhetoric, which undoubtedly had an influence on Wednesday’s shootings, on the Republican’s vast left-wing conspiracy against the Clintons in the 1990’s. 

Some people are just born evil, contemptable and vile. 

Q. Fox News has changed its slogan from “Fair and Balanced” to “Most Watched; Most Trusted.” Why?  (Detrick ~ Scottsdale, AZ)
A. I believe it is because they wanted to move their platform to the left and no longer felt justified calling themselves fair and balanced.  They can still claim “most watched” for some shows, but they are slipping drastically in the ratings.  As far as trusting them… trust no one in the media or newspaper business. 

Q. Now that the wind has gone out of the sails of an investigation into a Russian-Trump connection, the Special Counsel is turning to going after Trump for Obstruction of Justice.  What’s your reaction?  (Bernie ~ Waterloo, IA)
A. Mueller is probably going to want to keep his job for as long as he can, so look for the “obstruction” to morph into something else when that tack runs into a brick wall.   What ticks me off is that there are several people obviously guilty of obstruction of justice who seem to have escaped without even a slight scar,  such as Hillary, Loretta, Eric, James and Barack, to mention a few. 

Q. Don’t you think that there should be more Secret Service protection for Members of Congress?  (Felicia ~ Magalia, CA)
A. Now that the whole world knows that rank-and-file members have no protection, and given today’s acts of terrorism and horrible political climate, it is absolutely imperative that they receive protection.  To do less is inviting big trouble.   

“The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush.  It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference and undernourishment.” ~ Robert M. Hutchins


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