Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Dish Network got ordered to pay out $252 million to the U.S. and four states for repeatedly using robocalls in violation of the law to those on do-not-call lists. 

It couldn’t have happened to a better company. 

Q. Is Megyn Kelly ever going to start her show at NBC?  (Chastity ~ Brooklyn, NY)
A. Her show started Sunday night to far less-than-stellar ratings.  

Q. What’s this flap about uranium mining at the Grand Canyon?  (Paul ~ Richardson, TX)
A. The Obama administration banned uranium mining there in 2012; now, Utah and Arizona mining interests are trying to get the ban overturned by Trump.  One has to ask why, if we really need uranium…. Why did we allow Clinton to sell off up to half of our uranium reserves to Russia?   

Q. What steps can we take right now to reduce the threat of terrorist activities in America?  (Mal ~ Redding, CA)
A. First of all, we have to quit being so politically correct and recognize that the threat is real, every minute of every day.  Secondly, we have to deal with the threat head on…no pussy-footing around.  There’s nothing wrong with hauling suspected terrorists in for questioning before they do something.  We also have to make it clear to the Muslin community that they are either for us, or they are against us, and if they are against us they are going to be surveilled and infiltrated.  Finally, we have to obliterate their safe havens everywhere, force them out to where we can eliminate them or capture them and send them to Gitmo. 

“Housework, if you do it right, will kill you.” ~ Erma Bombeck


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