Tuesday, June 27, 2017


The Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the majority of Trump’s temporary travel ban can go into effect now and that they will hear oral arguments on the matter this fall. 

The ruling is indicative that they agree with the President’s authority and decision to implement the temporary restrictions.  Since the 90-day ban will have essentially expired when the Court resumes hearings in October, and since the security of the country is at stake, the decision was absolutely correct and a welcome sign that judicial activism may be in its waning days. 

Q. Just like the House Health Care Bill, I’m having serious misgivings over the Senate version.  Have you formed an opinion yet?  (Max ~ Palm Springs, CA)
A. I agree with you whole-heartedly.  The CBO released its conclusions yesterday and said it will leave another 22 million uninsured and slash Medicaid.  I keep hearing the same old song and dance; in order for us to get this passed at all, we have to placate all of the Republicans because we won’t get even one lousy vote from the Democrats.  In essence, they’re saying we have to accept something we don’t like, or ObamaCare is going to be totally imploded by the end of the year.  I’m not in favor of “something is better than nothing” in this instance.  Since the Dems totally refuse to come to the table, let them eat the blame for ObamaCare and let’s see how many of them get reelected in 2018. It's time to quite being nice and polite.    

Q. I understand Maxine Waters got put in her place?  (Theo ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A. A pro-Trump Black took Waters on by blaming her, her wide-open borders policy and sanctuary city activism for causing high unemployment among California’s Blacks.  Waters responded like Democrats always do… she walked out.  They just can’t stand it when somebody tells them like it really is.   

Q. I am so sick and tired of the biased stories and fake news coming out of CNN.  I wish they’d all dry up and blow away. (Turk ~ Saginaw, MI)
A. You might get your wish.  BREITBART NEWS caught them kin a very fake news hit piece about Trump and a Russian investment company and they were forced to retract the story, after which several people got fired and CNN ended up smelling so bad that even the dead fish left town.  Jeff Zucker is doing what Democrat zealots always do when the going gets tough; he’s shucking and ducking, bobbing and weaving.    

“You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” ~ Abraham Lincoln


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