Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is skipping an early April meeting with NATO to take a trip to Moscow instead. 

I suppose this means we’ll all be speaking Russian by May Day?  Democrats have already jumped on this news, claiming Tillerson and Trump are putting Russia ahead of our valuable European allies. 

Q. How do you feel about Ivanka Trump getting her own private office in the White House and access to classified information?  (Dude ~ Sun Valley, NV)
A. While not on the government payroll, Ivanka plays a vital part in the Administration’s day-to-day affairs and should not be relegated to squatting in a hallway.  Of course, just about any document within the walls of the White House is classified to some extent; that’s just the nature of the beast.  So, I have far less of an issue with it than I did with the Valerie Jarrett – Barack Obama – Michelle Obama tryst.   

Q. Any thoughts on Blaze TV’s Tomi Lahren being suspended for coming out in favor of pro- choice?  (Angel ~ Layton, UT)
A. I am strongly pro-life as is, I believe, Glenn Beck.  I think Beck has the right to dictate editorial policy and opinion on his own network, but Lahren made the remarks while appearing on THE VIEW, an ABC Show.  I don’t think his right to limit employees extends beyond the confines of his own network; she has a right to free speech and opinion.  Suspending her is something the radical left-wingers would do, and under the circumstances I think it’s un-American.  And Beck also evidently agrees with that; a USA TODAY report yesterday has him on video saying she was NOT suspended for her views.     

Q. Trump made an aggressive push Tuesday to try and make House members toe the line and vote for the new health care plan.  But, many conservatives are saying they will not support the President because it’s a bad bill.  Where do you think this will lead?  (Merv ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. Frankly, as much as I despise ObamaCare and everything it represents, I hope the current bill does fail.  It’s a pure farce, and Trump’s support of it puts him in the same category as Barack Obama, as far as I am concerned.    

“A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it is but a prologue to a farce, or a tragedy, or perhaps both.” ~ James Madison


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