Barack Hussein Obama is madder than a wet peacock at
President Trump over Trump’s wiretapping allegations.
That just makes me so…. giddy.
Q. How can I “debug” my house so that no one can possibly
listen in? (Clemmie ~ Richmond, CA)
A. Disconnect your electricity and remove all batteries from
all of your devices. Then, just to make
sure they are not listening with an instrument that measures vibrations from your
window panes, flush the toilet or fart loudly every time you have something to
Q. I understand that the White House Press Corps is now angry at
Trump because he’s doing so much that they can’t keep up with him. I guess that means they are demanding that he
slow down. What do you think? (Wagner ~ Prescott, AZ)
A. Maybe they should get into a different vocation, like
cleaning out the stalls in a horse ranch for example.
Q. How is the Democrat and liberal boycott of Ivanka Trump’s
line of clothing doing? (Lenny ~ Phenix
City, AL)
A. Sales are going through the roof. I would guess that average Americans prefer to shop in
the Ivanka section because they know they won’t run into any liberals
“Italians are fantastic people, really. They can work you over in an alley while
singing an opera.” ~ Don Rickles
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