Reliable sources indicate that North Korea’s Kim Jong-un is
preparing to defy United Nations sanctions and to test another nuclear weapon
within “days.”
Unfortunately, the midget lives in a sanctuary city, or we
could go and take him out.
Q. Two teen girls tried to board a United Airlines flight
and were turned away because they were wearing leggings. How dumb can a business get? (Judith ~ Fernley, NV)
A. Let’s get all of the facts on the table: the girls were
attempting to use employee passes; the
airline has a dress code for employees or family members who fly on such
passes; the girls knew the dress
code; and they had the option of flying
another airline or paying and not using the employee passes. It’s not like they were ambushed and I fully
support the airlines in this instance; virtually all businesses have some
requirements for employees and family members who use company services for free
or at a discount.
Q. I see Arkansas just approved the carrying of guns in
bars. Isn’t the reason that they’ve been
banned is that people get to drinking too much, get into arguments and
gunfights ensue? (Wes ~ Fresno, CA)
A. That surely sounds like a valid argument, doesn’t
it? But, robbers also strike bars and
frequently shoot everybody in them. And
just because someone is drinking and has a gun does not mean that he is going
to react to a disagreement by brandishing or using his firearm. I carry concealed, and I have been in bars
where having a gun on your person was against the law; but, I wasn’t drinking
at the time and had no intentions of drinking as I was there for other
business. I think there are a lot of
dumb politicians who make ridiculous laws simply because they don’t think them
all of the way through.
Q. Don’t you think Trump might get us into a full-blown war
by sending more troops into the Mideast?
(David ~ Logan, UT)
A. I think Trump is just as reluctant to get into a war as
you or I am. However, I also think he is
like me: he doesn’t want to wake up one morning speaking Russian or Chinese, and
he doesn’t want to get his head lopped off. Military analysts are now predicting that I.S.I.S. will be defeated within weeks, thanks to a president who is not afraid to call them "radical Islamic terrorists."
“In nuclear war, all men are
cremated equal.” ~ Dexter Gordon
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