Friday, March 31, 2017


More and more evidence is coming out about the Obama spying on the Trump campaign; even one former Obama administration official has flatly admitted that the spying took place. 


The Democrats have mounted a formidable defense by trying to blame Representative David Nunes for a wrongdoing that did not occur.  Nunes, having been told that evidence of the illegal and unethical spying existed, but that it was only accessible on Executive Office computers, made the trip to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to see for himself.  The Democrats have been doing everything possible to insinuate that Nunes was wrong for doing so and to insist that Nunes recuse himself for relative investigations.   But, the real issue, not to be occluded by the frantic Democrats, is that Obama spied on Trump and somebody needs to go to jail. 


Q. There’s some suggestion that Trump might be willing to let the national debt rise in order to push through tax reform and lower taxes.  Isn’t raising the national debt even more a very dumb move?  (Vicki ~ Vicksburg, MS)
A. The argument is that lowering taxes will fuel the economy, meaning more money will be in circulation to tax and revenues will soon overcome the additional debt.  I buy the argument, BUT… we also need tons of money to rebuild the national defense and to meet whatever unforeseen expenses might possibly be associated with military action or war.  To the contrary, if we set about reducing the national debt, that may further constrict the economy and we’d be shooting ourselves in the foot.  It’s a delicate balancing act and somewhat of a gamble.  Maybe Hillary will help by turning over some of her foundation money to the national treasury? 

Q. What with a decision supposedly to be made on Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch next week, what do you think the Democrats will actually end up doing?  (Naomi ~ Miami, FL)
A. There’s been one Democrat come forward to say he’ll vote for Gorsuch.  The candidate is such an excellent nominee, unanimously voted on by Congress to become a Federal Court Judge a few years back… that anyone who votes against him is probably going to commit political suicide.  Nevertheless, I think the odds are about 80 to 1 that they’ll try to filibuster and therefore force the Republicans to use the nuclear option.  Then they’ll change their name to the Martyr Party.   

Q. What’s with Kelly Anne Conway?  She’s been awfully quiet lately.  (Oliver ~ Lincoln, NE)
A. I suspect that when her mouth started getting more press than Trump’s, she got told to “cool it.”


“People who babble like a brook often drown in their own drivel.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler


Thursday, March 30, 2017


The Trump White House has prepared the questions for the 2020 Census and it does ask about sex… male or female… but it doesn’t ask about whether or not the respondent is LGBT or Q.  Gay rights activists are highly incensed, but the Trump Administration is saying it does not see the need for such statistical information. 

Now, what does the “Q” mean?  Well, they say it means “queer” or “questioning.”  So, why don’t they have an “A?”  “A” would, of course, stand for “asshole” or “liberal Democrat.”  I mean, as long as we’re counting…

Q. I understand Austria is banning wearing of the Muslim burqa.  Why don’t we do the same here?  (Federico ~ Laramie, WY)
A. Because we’re schmucks.    

Q. Any thoughts about the Massachusetts lawmaker who warned illegals of an impending ICE raid?  (Mariano ~ East Chicago, IN)
A. She should be run out of the State Legislature and charged with obstruction of justice.  But watch the Democrats put her on a pedestal.   

Q. Judge Andrew Napolitano got into serious trouble and suspension from FOX NEWS when he went public with a statement that Obama had ordered surveillance of the Trump team.  He’s now back with FOX NEWS and standing by his story.  Do you think FOX NEWS might fire him?  (Myrna ~ Ferndale, WA)
A. If they do, they’d better be prepared to prove him wrong.  They should also be prepared for more of a declining audience.    

“Truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” ~ Flannery O’Connor


Wednesday, March 29, 2017


United States Senator Chuck Schumer showed his true ugly colors last weekend when he verbally attacked Joseph A. Califano Jr. and his wife in an East Side New York restaurant because Mrs. Califano voted for Donald Trump.  Schumer shouted and yelled and otherwise created a wretched scene. 

It’s sad, but true: Spiteful Schumer typifies the Democrat Party, and I certainly would be ashamed to be one.  I mean, the Califanos were out for a nice, quiet and unobtrusive dinner… until the kike showed up. 

Q. There are rumblings that Trump and the House may yet get together and pass Health Care reform.  Do you think it will be a good bill?  (Lorelai ~ Burbank, CA)
A. Not in its present form.  If they are not willing to do it right, then why do it?  I heard someone in the three-ring circus suggest that we have to make it less-than-perfect in order to get it passed.  Well then, I have to ask: If ObamaCare implodes and collapses, won’t we be back to where we were before it was enacted?  And then I say… that was better than ObamaCare.  So, if we can’t do it right, then let us not do it at all and let the Democrats pay for their ignorance at the polls.    

Q. A female reporter, no lady, tried to take on Sean Spicer Tuesday over the supposed “Russian connection” with the Trump team.  Spicer pointed out that law enforcement agencies, Democrats and Republicans have all looked at the allegations and concluded there is nothing to them, that it’s all a fake narrative.  But, the reporter refused to let it go.  How can Spicer and the White House stop this atrocious media behavior?  (Clive ~ Spokane, WA)  
A. I think White House press conferences have gotten way out of hand.  This occasional weekly or so press conference was intended to be a one-hour discussion of major events and how the White House was handling them; instead, it’s turned into an endless, ritualistic piranha attack.  I think the conferences should have a firm one-hour limit and be held no more often than twice a week unless, of course, we bomb North Korea.    

Q. How do you feel about the arrest of the illegal alien father of one of the illegal alien Maryland high school rape suspects?  (Della ~ El Paso, TX)
A. Terrific.   

“One of the reasons people hate politics is that truth is rarely a politician’s objective.  Election and power are.” ~ Cal Thomas


Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Reliable sources indicate that North Korea’s Kim Jong-un is preparing to defy United Nations sanctions and to test another nuclear weapon within “days.” 

Unfortunately, the midget lives in a sanctuary city, or we could go and take him out. 

Q. Two teen girls tried to board a United Airlines flight and were turned away because they were wearing leggings.  How dumb can a business get?  (Judith ~ Fernley, NV)
A. Let’s get all of the facts on the table: the girls were attempting to use employee passes; the airline has a dress code for employees or family members who fly on such passes; the girls knew the dress code; and they had the option of flying another airline or paying and not using the employee passes.  It’s not like they were ambushed and I fully support the airlines in this instance; virtually all businesses have some requirements for employees and family members who use company services for free or at a discount. 

Q. I see Arkansas just approved the carrying of guns in bars.  Isn’t the reason that they’ve been banned is that people get to drinking too much, get into arguments and gunfights ensue?   (Wes ~ Fresno, CA)
A. That surely sounds like a valid argument, doesn’t it?  But, robbers also strike bars and frequently shoot everybody in them.  And just because someone is drinking and has a gun does not mean that he is going to react to a disagreement by brandishing or using his firearm.  I carry concealed, and I have been in bars where having a gun on your person was against the law; but, I wasn’t drinking at the time and had no intentions of drinking as I was there for other business.  I think there are a lot of dumb politicians who make ridiculous laws simply because they don’t think them all of the way through.    

Q. Don’t you think Trump might get us into a full-blown war by sending more troops into the Mideast?  (David ~ Logan, UT)
A. I think Trump is just as reluctant to get into a war as you or I am.  However, I also think he is like me: he doesn’t want to wake up one morning speaking Russian or Chinese, and he doesn’t want to get his head lopped off.  Military analysts are now predicting that I.S.I.S. will be defeated within weeks, thanks to a president who is not afraid to call them "radical Islamic terrorists."   

“In nuclear war, all men are cremated equal.” ~ Dexter Gordon


Monday, March 27, 2017


“Mr. Ryan, you continue with your mantra, that the GOP is now a governing party not an opposition party,” Levin wrote. “These are words that apply to you.”

“You failed to develop a plan that embraced market capitalism and you did not involve the GOP conservatives in the early phases of drafting your plan. You tried to force this plan through, adopted a few changes, but mostly continued with big-government ideas and much of Obamacare’s essential elements.  The failure to govern is on the GOP leadership. And the failure to uphold the repeal promise with an actual repeal of most of Obamacare is also on the GOP leadership.”  

Right on. 

Q. I see Hillary’s bosom buddy Huma Abedin is getting back with her pervert husband Anthony Weiner.  What do you suppose that means?  (Marisa ~ Alexandria, VA)
A. I guess she’s just as much of a pervert as he is.  That’s probably why she gets along so well with Hillary. 

Q. California wants to limit the number of firearms a person can buy in any 30-day period to one.  What do you think?  (Lee ~ Forest Lake, CA)
A. Since you can only shoot one gun at a time, what difference does it make?  And do you think a thug is going to wait 30 days to get his 49th illegal gun to comply with this ridiculous law?  It’s way past the time when we should be writing new laws when we’re not enforcing the ones we already have on the books.  Besides, an illegal alien can ignore all of these laws and if law enforcement decides to go after him, all he has to do is run and hide in a sanctuary city. 

Q. Joe Biden now says he could have won the presidency if he ran.  Why didn’t he?  (Niven ~ Tempe, AZ)
A. He didn’t want to make Hillary look bad.  Besides, Hillary had a dead-cinch “lock” on the presidency anyway, right?  Listen: They all do what George Soros wants anyway.  

“I think the Speaker needs a glass stomach so he can see his way around.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler