Saturday, January 30, 2016


The news for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign grew considerably worse yesterday when the State Department revealed some of her emails were so sensitive… so classified… that they could not be released in any form, redacted or not.  And, in an effort to cover for their former boss, they withheld more emails that are scheduled to be released this weekend, saying, (in defiance of court orders), that they will not be released until after the first few primaries.  Clinton and her staff also stand accused of “cutting and pasting” emails so as to enable her to say that they had no classified markings on them when they went through her private, unauthorized server.  All of this was capped off by a late Friday-afternoon statement from Obama that, indeed, there were Top Secret emails on Hillary's server.   


The plot thickens and the bubble is about to burst.  I’ll bet her commode is working overtime. 

Q. How do you think the FOX NEWS debates went without Trump?  (Bonzo ~ Hollywood, CA)
A. I can’t give an honest and personal opinion, because I obviously didn’t watch.  But, judging from what CNN, ABC and others are saying, it was not a spectacular success by any means and Ted Cruz, being the only big player left on stage, failed to live up to expectations.  It certainly let the air out of Megyn Kelly’s tires. 

Q. How is Bill Clinton doing on the campaign trail?  (Morgan ~ Claremont, NH)
A. Fantastic.  He showed up in Reno last week and all of 500 people attended.  BIG whoopee!!!

Q. I watched the debates Thursday night and was impressed at how some of the candidates started countering some of FOX NEWS’ stupid or aggravating questions.  Maybe Trump’s “snit” is waking some people up?  (Gabby ~ Covina, CA)
A. Check this out: Click here  I saw a clip where Cruz even threatened to walk out.  But FOX still has its head up its fanny.  WAY up there. 


“FOX NEWS has become the puppet of the “establishment.” ~ Unknown Scribbler

TODAY’S VIDEO: (He’ll make a good politician; he knows how to make things appear and disappear.

Friday, January 29, 2016


Iran warned the USS Monterey and an accompanying jet to get out of the Strait of Hormuz.  The Iranians said they were conducting military exercises and the U.S. had to immediately leave the area.  The incident comes two weeks after the Iranian military seized two Navy vessels in the Persian Gulf. The Monterey and the jet immediately high-tailed it and left the vicinity. 

People used to look at our flag and say, “These colors never run.”  Now, they look at our flag and say, “These colors run like hell.” 
Q. I thought Trump might cave in at the last moment and appear on the FOX NEWS debates.  Why didn’t he?  (Charles ~ Davenport, IA)
A. For one thing, FOX was evidently pulling some totally underhanded stunts regarding the debates.  For another, Trump decided it was time to let FOX know that he won’t be pushed around anymore, and that he won’t allow other countries to push America around, either.  Unlike Obama, I don’t think Trump likes pushers. 

Q. Why has Hillary suddenly switched her allegiance to Obama?  I thought she was going to “be her own woman?”  (Cassandra ~ Carson City, NV)
A. Obama holds a huge hammer over her; with recommendations from the F.B.I. for indictments being just around the corner, Obama and Attorney General Lynch have the ability to delay any indictments, or maybe even to ignore the F.B.I. recommendations altogether.  Hillary needs to kiss up to Obama big time. 

Q. Did Hillary’s cohorts really “cut and paste” emails being sent to and from Hillary so as to avoid having classified headings on them?  (Chute ~ Boise, ID)
I think she learned the trick from cutting out paper dolls when she was a little girl. 

“When somebody challenges you, fight back.  Be brutal, be tough.” ~ Donald Trump


Thursday, January 28, 2016


Department of Homeland Security inventory reports show that over 1,300 badges, 165 firearms and 589 cell phones were lost or stolen over the span of 31 months between 2012 and 2015.  This raises serious concerns about what they could be used for if they are in the wrong hands, such as terrorists. 


D.H.S. compounds the worry about national security with their blasé attitude.  Virtually every government department and agency under Obama’s White House has gone to hell in a hand basket. 

Q. I heard through the grapevine that Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s fanatical leader, was not supposed to inherit the job?  (Riccardo ~ Las Lunas, NM)
A. According to a former North Korean intelligence official, Kim Jong Il had set up a 10 person committee to take the rule when he died.  Reports are that he was dead-set against his son taking power, but Un engineered a power play and took the job anyway when Il died.  Note that all of those who were supposed to have been on the “committee” have since been executed or died under mysterious circumstances. 

Q. The folks who uncovered the Planned Parenthood “fetus body parts for sale” outrage have been indicted by a grand jury because they misrepresented themselves to PP executives.  How could they have conducted their undercover operations otherwise?  (Gaspar ~ San Jose, CA)
A. Obviously, they couldn’t have.  It’s looking like Planned Parenthood is trying to divert attention from the fact that they have sinned enormously against humanity. This case has no business going to court. 

Q. Hillary Clinton says she would offer Barack Obama an appointment to the Supreme Court.  Has she gone nuts?  (Kelly ~ Santa Rosa, CA)
A. No, she’s not “going” nuts; she always has been nuts. 


“I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” ~ Douglas MacArthur


Wednesday, January 27, 2016


That’s the conclusion of the now infamous NATIONAL REVIEW in its latest diatribe which labels any Trump supporter as being a homophobe or ignorant bigot, according to BREITBART.COM.  


Gosh, maybe I should cancel my subscription, as if I ever had one?  Hiss on them; if they can’t offer anything positive to the conversation on politics, they should be out of business. 


Q. What is your position on the Academy Awards racial issue?  (Tim ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. I guess if you can’t act, you should try the liberal Democrat tactic of bullying your way through life?  Can you imagine a Spencer Tracy being denied an Oscar because he was bumped out by a racial quota guy, such as Ice Cube?

Q.  They just had a lot of top executives bite the dust at Twitter.  What’s going on?  (Cleo ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A.  Earnings are down and their stock is heading for the basement.  That’s what’s all atwitter at Twitter. 

Q.  I just went to purchase a handgun and was denied because of my background check.  I am squeaky clean, never been arrested or charged and I have no mental issues.  I’m not a terrorist and, as far as I know, I have no criminal associations.  I tried to appeal the decision or find out what was the matter and they said they don’t do appeals and can’t discuss the reason for the denial.  What can I do now?  (Sid ~ Raton, NM)
A.  You’ll have to get an attorney.  The FBI has arbitrarily stopped the handling of any and all appeals, without explanation.  Of course, their denial has become unconstitutional, because they csannot deny you of your rights without due process, but your best shot, (pardon the play on words), is to get an attorney or organization such as the NRA, and sue. 


“I know a twit who tweeted his twife, who was not the tweetor, but was the tweetee.” ~ Unknown Scribbler     


Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Al-Qaida, I.S.I.S. and the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya are actively discussing a merger, according to the London-based A Sharq al Awsat newspaper. 


This could well be a prelude to a total merger of the three terrorist organizations and, with their combined strengths and talents, the new organization could be a formidable world-wide enemy. 


Q. I know you are a member of the NRA, but how do you defend against efforts to install some common sense gun controls?  (Jennifer ~ Goleta, CA)
A. I’ve yet to hear of any potential gun control measures that would take away guns from criminals, just from law-abiding citizens who would never harm a flea.  I also know that prosecution for gun-related crimes is for some reason on the downswing.  Criminals don’t go to gun stores or gun shows to get their weapons; they get them off the streets or from Operation Fast & Furious. 

Q. Some darned popular politicians have said over and over again that the NRA is an enemy.  It stands in the way of decreasing crimes and murders with guns… even in the way of disarming terrorists.  Why shouldn’t the NRA be abolished?  (Char ~ Los Angeles, CA)
A. More people should belong to the NRA; I’ve never heard of a member of the NRA or the USCCA being charged or involved with a gun crime.  Both organizations are 100% for gun safety and responsible gun ownership.  Both terrorists and criminals are too cheap to pay the membership fees. 

Q. How do you feel about Rick Perry endorsing Ted Cruz?  (Vern ~ Redding, CA)
A. What difference can that endorsement possibly make?   


“I’m not exactly the endorsement people are seeking.” ~ Jack Abramoff


Monday, January 25, 2016


Defense Secretary Ash Carter is reportedly considering retroactively demoting retired General David Petraeus, amid a crackdown on generals who engage in misconduct.  Petraeus was removed from office for mishandling classified information. 

In the meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, who is deemed to have had highly classified and sensitive documents on her illegal personal email server, continues her run to become president of the United States. 
Q. Donald Trump says Megyn Kelly should not be allowed to host this week’s FOX NEWS Debates because she is biased and has a conflict of interest.  Do you agree?  (Pedro ~ Lancaster, CA)
A. In the very first GOP debate, Kelly showed an overt attempt to sandbag Trump and to make him look like a jackass.  This led to a huge feud between FOX and Trump as soon as the debate was over.  Since then, she has often snickered whenever his name has come up on her show.  FOX NEWS is not backing down, saying she is not biased and Trump is just whining, trying to build up the audience.  Trump should not have waited this long to lodge his protest, but FOX is wrong to have her involved and this shows that FOX indeed has acquired a political agenda on behalf of the establishment.  Trump appears on all of the other FOX shows, but not on Kelly’s; what does THAT say about FOX’s agenda here?  Evidently, FOX is betting all of its marbles on the hen house. 

Q. Things are getting out of hand.  I understand the military will now be getting rid of sexual distinctions?  (Lois ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Yes.  For example, they’re now trying to figure out how to replace the title, “Midshipman.”  They’ll soon have unisex bathrooms in which, I presume, it will no longer matter to anyone whether or not the toilet seat is left UP. 

Q. Has there been a terrorist threat to the Super Bowl that we’re not hearing about?  (Vi ~ Palo Alto, CA)
A. The FBI has issued a bulletin claiming a significant threat.  You’ll note that the White House and the DHS are maintaining absolute silence on the subject.  One thing is for certain: they'll be checking the air pressure in the footballs.  

“Those who want the government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination.” ~ Harry S. Truman