Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Rand Paul told religious leaders at a private prayer breakfast last Thursday that the First Amendment “doesn’t say keep religion out of government.”  Paul went on to say that the provision reads to keep government out of religion instead. 

That is precisely correct.  But, government and left-wingers seem to be intent on sticking their noses into my religious beliefs and I am damned angry about it.  I’m beginning to think that the 2016 election might center around government erosion of our Bill of Rights, as well it should. 

Q. I heard someplace that a lot of the top leaders of I.S.I.S. were formerly Saddam Hussein’s army commanders?  (Ellie ~ Waco, TX)
A. Correct and a large portion of I.S.I.S. members used to belong to the Baathist Army.  They used to take a Baath every Saturday night while cleaning their bayonets. 

Q. The retraction of Obama’s illegal amnesty plan was tied to the Defense budget, but that plan was dropped.  What does the Republican-led Congress now plan to do to stop Obama’s plan?  (Sean ~ Lakewood, CO)
A. Evidently, nothing.  It has become too much of a “hot potato” for the GOP to handle, as all things important to we citizens eventually become. 

Q. What is “Operation Choke Point?”  (Tippy ~ Oswego, OR)
A. The Federal government has virtually told all banks to quit doing business with pawn shops and gun stores.  That means a gun store has no place to have a checking account, and therefore reduced ability to conduct commerce.  At the same time, the I.R.S. essentially requires every business to have checking accounts, so that it can verify business income and expenditures.  That's how, through the “Choke Point” program, Obama plans to shut down all retail gun outlets in the country. 

“I’m a good cook; one of my specialties is reindeer and potato pie.” ~ Terry Jones


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