Monday, April 20, 2015


(Thanks for the well wishes.  I was hospitalized for the purpose of  having another stent placed in my heart and am home, feeling great.)  
THE BLAZE  is reporting an official at the U.S. Office of Special Counsel said last week that “Department of Veterans Affairs officials are known to be retaliating against VA whistleblowers by illegally going through their medical records, in an apparent attempt to harass and discredit these whistleblowers.” 

I refer to it as the “Obama Method” of government.  It now permeates nearly every agency of the federal bureaucracy.    

Q. Do you think there is any way that Obama could game the system and become a three-term president?  (Polly ~ San Rafael, CA)
A. Sure.  All he has to do is to issue an Executive Order and, judging by past relations between Congress and Obama, no one would challenge him. 

Q. Do you have any thoughts regarding Britt McHenry’s tirade against her towing company?  (Avis ~ Richmond, VA)
A. She’s obviously a spoiled brat, a social snob and an elitist who thinks her poop does not stink.  She therefore qualifies to replace Debbie Wasserman Schultz as head of the Democratic Party. 

Q. Marco Rubio sure strikes a chord when he says “yesterday’s over.”  Do you think he’s a viable candidate?  (Gigi ~ Doris, CA)
A. The way this country is being run right now, I’ll be very happy when today is over.  Everyone, including his potential opponents in the GOP race, is dumping on him because he looks “too much like a kid.”  But, the country is sick and tired of the same old political brawls, the Washington corruption, and the lack of compassion and understanding for the needs of the average American.  I think he stands a good chance and that he’d be an excellent president.  I also like Carson and Cruz.  Don’t rule out Rand Paul, either. 

“It is sometimes easier to head an institute for the study of child guidance than it is to turn one brat into a decent human being.” ~ Joseph Wood Krutch


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