Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Two immigration groups representing illegal aliens have filed legal complaints against the Obama administration for taking over one hundred thousand Obamacare customers off their insurance plans without sending notices in their native language, Modern Healthcare reports.  The groups believe the Obama administration’s move to end the health plans of customers who failed to prove their legal immigration or citizenship status violates their rights as immigrants.

When is this nation going to quit putting up with this bullshit?  If you're illegal, you have not rights in this country.  They give us even more reason to ship them all back… muy pronto. 

Q. What are you going to have as a subject to write about after Obama leaves office?  (Herbert ~ Sandia, NM)
A. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get back to writing positive and upbeat stories about positive and upbeat events and people.  That, of course, is assuming that we are not under I.S.I.S rule or faced with a national plague of Ebola.  Seriously, this Administration has turned me from being the ultimate optimist into being the consummate pessimist.  I have nightmares about it that are almost as scary as nightmares about my second ex-wife. 

Q. They just keep changing stories, those damned Obamacrats.  First, the hospital said that the initial reports that the Liberian Ebola victim had been to Liberia were not communicated to the physician due to a computer glitch.  Now, they are saying that was not true and that the attending physician ignored the information.  (Cuz ~ Davenport, WA)
A. That seems to be their standard modus operandi when they are dealing with something that is about to blow up in their faces.  I’m inclined to think they had him diagnosed with Ebola on his first hospital visit and Obama didn’t want the bad news out, so he had the CDC tell the hospital to send the patient home and tell him he had a low grade fever; not that this Administration would ever do anything like that.  Next thing you know, they’ll be saying the whole mix-up was due to an anti-Muslim video. 

Q. Do you think there’s any truth to the stories that the bombings and drone strikes in Iraq and Syria are more symbolic than effective?  (Charlotte ~ Irving, TX)
A. Yes.  Obama was bragging the other day about the fact they’d already had more than 200 air strikes; that would be considered by any knowledgeable military person to be a normal amount per day.  Wouldn’t it be something if the actual “bombing runs” were being made in the Nevada desert and we were being shown videos of bombing runs that took place in 2005? 

"The birthers believe that the president was secretly born in Kenya. I always thought he was born in a manger in Jerusalem." –Jimmy Kimmel


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