Tuesday, February 25, 2014


FOX NEWS is reporting that Iran is selling Iraq $195 million in arms because the U.S. has been stalling on their request. 

I’m no friend of Iraq’s Maliki, but he certainly knows by now that the Obama Administration is as worthless as teats on a bovine bull.  If he wants to defend Iraq from Al Qaeda or any other potential enemy, he needs arms and ammo; in this day and age, slingshots and boomerangs will not cut the mustard.  Our illustrious State Department, of course, is denying that we’re stalling.  Sadly, the time has come when I tend to believe thugs like Maliki before I believe our own State Department. 

Q. After all of this time, why do we not yet know what happened in Benghazi?  (Tip ~ Bend, OR)
A. Because the House Republicans don’t want the answers badly enough; they could issue immunity to people who know the answers.  The fact that they have not done so speaks for itself.  

Q. Out of the clear blue, Obama told a conference of Democratic Governors last week that we are very close to our goal of 7 million new signups for ObamaCare and Medicaid.  Everyone else including you is saying the figure is closer to 2 million.  Who’s right?  (Vaughn ~ Kent, WA)
A. Remember that Obama said we have 57 states.  Remember his promises about keeping your doctor and insurance plan.  Just remember the endless string of lies he has told us and ask yourself, in all honesty when has he EVER told the truth about anything?

Q. I read where the Governors all agree that ObamaCare is here to stay, even if we get a Republican President and Congress in 2016, because by then it will be too entrenched to dismantle.  What do you say?  (Tina ~ Ruidoso, NM)
A. Anybody who believes that Obama and Democratic hype should resign their citizenship. 

"Had I been president at the time, and I had found that you did not read the cables from Benghazi, you did not read the cable from [Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens], I would have relieved you from your post." – Rand Paul to Hillary Clinton.


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