Friday, February 28, 2014


“The chief watchdog overseeing the Environmental Protection Agency is accusing agency officials of obstructing investigations by refusing to cooperate, using bully tactics to silence lower-level workers and, in at least one instance, threatening an agent,” according to a FOX NEWS report.  "Over the past 12 months, there have been several EPA officials who have taken action to prevent [the Office of Investigations] from conducting investigations or have attempted to obstruct investigations through intimidation," according to EPA Inspector General Arthur Elkins Jr.  

The Obama thugs operate in a Chicago-style gangland manner.  This is our President, orchestrating the takeover of our government “en toto.”  If you cannot understand how pernicious and dangerous this Presidency is, you need to study the histories of Nazi Germany and Russia.  I have to say I am afraid for our country and I pray daily and fervently that Americans will come to grips with what is happening and do something about it. 

Q. Do you have any idea what the Republican platform is?  (Darla ~ Orem, UT)
A. Yes: Huff and puff and blow the House down, then roll over and play dead.   

Q. It looks like Russia may invade the Ukraine.  Obama keeps warning Putin against it.  What will Obama do if Putin proceeds?  (Uncle Jack ~ Spring, TX)
A. Nothing.  And that will signal to the rest of the world that Obama has finally destroyed the most powerful nation on Earth.  Then… watch out. 

Q. Obama and Sebelius are doing everything they can to change the March 31st ObamaCare signup goals and requirements.  What’s going to happen?  (Imajean ~ Kellogg, ID)
A. Well, they never said anything about 7 million, remember?  It’s kind of like that disappearing “red line” in Syria and the line that’s going to disappear regarding the Ukraine.  The money won’t be there to support the program and Obama is preparing us for the day when he announces he’s going to take the money he saved by gutting the military and channel it to ObamaCare.   

“If the opposition disarms, well and good.  If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.”  ~ Joseph Stalin


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