While the Administration has been leading Americans to believe that the national debt will grow less than $90 billion due to the proposed new Health Care Plan, it has not been painting an accurate picture of what is really happening to the nation's economy. News is now leaking out that our current national deficit will grow by $1 trillion per year for the next ten (10) years! This does not include the $60 billion that Congress is contemplating today for extended unemployment benefits, a seniors stimulus or a new stimulus for doctors… all alleged to be political payoffs by the Republican Party in a not-so-subtle attempt to silence growing opposition to the Health Care Plan which in turn is slated to actually add another $1 trillion to government spending.
This is beyond unbelievable… It’s unbearable taxation coming on us and our children and grandchildren.
Q. Which news network do you trust the most? (Ivy – Kenmore, WA)
A. I don’t trust any news network. These days, I question everything I hear. I think FOX is more “fair and balanced” than the rest, but I still question everything they say. The problem is that the “free press” is not free. It costs money to produce, and money is the return in the way of advertising and other revenues, so the tendency is to tell the news in such a way that people will watch it and buy it. Therefore, real news always gets manipulated.
Q. I wrote a lot of bad checks in Nevada casinos. Can they come after me in California? I thought gambling debts were illegal. (Brad – Burney, CA)
A. As a general rule, gambling debts are not collectible in states other than Nevada. However, when you write a check, the assumption is that not all of the money is used for gambling, and a bad check is a bad check. Your best bet, (play on words intended), is to contact the casinos and attempt to work out a repayment plan.
Q. What’s your advice for a home remedy for the swine flu? (Noah – Bristol Bay, AK)
A. Buy a drawing ticket for the American Legion Post 441 pig raffle. I happen to have some available. $2 each or 12 for $20.
“Democracy passes into despotism.” - Plato
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